Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Nov 07, 2006 16:16

Translating a long conversation about pubic hair makes your work day just that much more bizarre. The ode to Pamela Anderson seemed downright pedestrian after that.

I know everyone's already done the big "what I did on my summer vacation during the big LJ blackout of '06", but I thought people might be interested to know that I capped four episodes of Dexter. I also uploaded them and all the other .avi caps I've made lately to a gallery.

These are caps I had no intention of ever sharing and the only reason they're up there is because I hate going through caps on my hard drive and much prefer them in gallery form (and now that I have all that extra space I can put them up, no problem). Just so you know why I've capped previouslies in some places, why there are hardly any caps for certain episodes, etc. So far I've put up Dexter, Ugly Betty, Black Donnellys, Office and Heroes caps. Oh, and the episode of Justice where Amanda Seyfried guest starred. Man, that was pretty.

LJ wasn't mailing me comments yesterday, but I got a whole slew of them this morning, so I think I'm all caught up now. Also, how stupid is it that when the e-mailing function doesn't work, neither does the Message Center. I mean, really, what's the point?

Honestly, sometimes I miss being a smoker. Not the actual smoking, but the identity. Yes, I'm aware that that's very weird.

Even if you're not a Farscape fan, you've gotta admit that this picspam is drool-worthy. Man, such a pretty show (I almost said "prettiest show ever", but I gotta say, I still think VM holds that title).

caps, work, livejournal

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