VM 3x06

Nov 08, 2006 20:56

I kind of hate the Yes-TV capping group with every fiber of my being right now because they released the episode with the wrong aspect ratio! Something I didn't realize until I had finished my picspam because it wasn't noticeable enough. I had to do a comparison on the CW logo to ascertain that it was really the aspect ratio, and not some kind of weird fluke where a part of the screen got cut off. Not that I know if that is even possible.

Anyway, right now I'm re-uploading the files with the correct aspect ratio, but I'm overwriting the existing ones instead of starting from scratch, so the thumbnails are still wrong. Hopefully I can live with it because I do not want to start from scratch. Again.

Let's see if I can do this without breaking into fits of primal screams...

Really? She lied about being raped, making it harder for women everywhere to be believed when they actually have been raped and she's got an attitude? Really?

The less said about this entire thing, the better. But I gotta say, the writers know fuck-all about women or feminism if they think that's an accurate portrayal of either.

Was I the only thinking they were laying the groundwork for an affair between Wallace and the Dean's wife here? Probably, huh?

This is where I started not liking Piz so much. No matter which way I look at it (and I'm aware I've got my 'ship bias to overcome here), Piz is doing his best to pick up Veronica, knowing that she has a boyfriend. How sleazy is that?

Can I just kill you now so we don't have to deal with this crap anymore?


Veronica hates him as much as I hate the Yes-TV release group (they also cut off the ending of Wichita Linebacker. Let's face it, they deserve to die. Violently.).

At least she gets to crush him like a bug (even if he didn't do anything wrong).

"Do you know who I am?"

Oh good! *hides test in pile*

OPJ for the win!

Funny, I never noticed that the campus radio station is next to the food court until this episode.

Might want to lay off those fries, Jason...

Yeah, sorry, not buying it. The show isn't noir just because the characters go to see movies in that genre. You gotta do better than that.

I know the feeling, Veronica, I too rolled my eyes at the idea that Veronica would EVER ask Keith for fashion advice. I mean, we've all seen his clothes.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but this is Duncan's old room, right? So what are Logan's fish doing above the bed? I swear, the layout of the Neptune Grand gives me nightmares.

Mutual Possessive Streaks

Yeah, Veronica's not liking this one bit.

Of the two of them, you'd think Logan would be the one making the kissy face in this situation.


Her boyfriend. They've met.

Love the look she gives him. And vice versa.

You ask out a girl you know has a boyfriend and you're pissy because she brought him along? I think this was the death knell right here.

See what I mean about laying off those fries? I realize the gut is in part due to the arching of the back, but DEAR LORD, if you're going to be in profile, suck that stomach in!

OMG! He said "that's my girl" and kissed her on the head! I can die happy now!

Trust me, Wallace, I know how you feel. Your storyline always puts me to sleep too.

Really, Veronica is your type? How exactly do you know? She looks hot? She's cool? She's way out of your league?

I think my main problem here is that I don't think Piz has the slightest clue who Veronica is and what she's capable of. I see Veronica as fundamentally damaged (but not broken) by all the things that have happened to her, and someone like Piz could never even come close to understanding her because he hasn't experienced nearly the same amount of pain.

See which one's happy to see you and which one isn't?

Too bad we apparently won't be seeing the gym anymore. It's pretty.

And speaking of, I'm ignorant as to the ways of American collages, but would they really let him keep a basketball scholarship if he chooses not to play. I could understand the other guy who got injured, but not this.

Sorry, serious moment, but this cap is hilarious.

I don't get this. Not Keith, who's been the injured party once before, and not Harmony, who's apparently miserable enough to cheat on her husband and make herself even more miserable, but not miserable enough to divorce him. I don't get that logic. I think that children are much better off living with happy parents than unhappy ones.

You just know she's gotta be thinking "what have I done now?"

I got a sinking feeling as soon as Logan uttered the word "trust". This can't be good.

And also, what is he, stupid? First of all, hi, have you met you girlfriend? Like, ever? Of course she's going to want to know. Second of all, if you want her to prove that Mercer is innocent, the best way of doing that is to prove that he was somewhere else during one of the rapes or find someone who can give him an alibi. You can help on both counts. The only other way I can think of for her to go about the whole thing is to find the real rapist, and is that really the road you want your thinks-before-she-leaps girlfriend to take?

Album. The re-upload is about half finished. done!

picspam, tv: veronica mars season 3

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