VM 3x06

Nov 08, 2006 20:56

I kind of hate the Yes-TV capping group with every fiber of my being right now because they released the episode with the wrong aspect ratio! Something I didn't realize until I had finished my picspam because it wasn't noticeable enough. I had to do a comparison on the CW logo to ascertain that it was really the aspect ratio, and not some kind of ( Read more... )

picspam, tv: veronica mars season 3

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Comments 78

lapses November 8 2006, 20:09:47 UTC

In the beginning of season two, Duncan's room was fish-free. Then we saw Logan's room, which had fish. Then around the middle of season two, Duncan's room got fish TOO! So, either the fish swam over Logan's room or the set designer decided both rooms needed fish. Either way? THE FISH NEED TO DIE.


_jems_ November 8 2006, 20:20:54 UTC
See, I was totally under the impression that it was an entirely different set of fish that found their way to Duncan's room, but I guess not, right? Or maybe Logan asked the management to move them because they gave him nightmares. I know that's what I would have done!


lapses November 8 2006, 20:24:32 UTC
Well, the background on Logan's fish were green. Duncan's room has blue. So maybe there is two sets of fish. I'm not sure, since we haven't seen Logan's room since 2x07. Either way, they're horrible. And I noticed another fish in the promo for next week. WOE!


_jems_ November 8 2006, 20:43:26 UTC
I'm thinking...light bulb changes? Because I can't imagine anyone having the poor taste to buy TWO of those things.


cindergal November 8 2006, 20:14:31 UTC
And speaking of, I'm ignorant as to the ways of American collages, but would they really let him keep a basketball scholarship if he chooses not to play.

Doubtful, and it certainly would not have been up to the coach to unilaterally decide. But then, pretty much nothing we saw in this episode would have actually taken place on a college campus the way it was shown. Wallace would have had to go before some sort of disciplinary board, as would the girl who cried rape (and don't get me started on that story line).


_jems_ November 8 2006, 20:23:30 UTC
See, I didn't think that sounded even remotely right, but what do I know?

I know what you mean about not wanting to get started talking about it. At least it was only Claire and not a conspiracy, but the way Nish reacted bothered me almost as much as if all of them had been in on it.


wanderingdream November 8 2006, 20:14:51 UTC
in terms of the American college thing, no, you would not keep your scholarship if you chose not to play.


_jems_ November 8 2006, 20:24:53 UTC
Then what the hell? Do they do any research on this show?


wanderingdream November 8 2006, 23:44:18 UTC
let me preface this by saying i haven't gotten to watch the episode yet because i haven't been home, but...

i would assume the writers would say artistic license, but i'm betting most people are saying that the writers are being dumb fucks, because they should have a much better understanding of college, especially because (hopefully) they went to college.


depudor November 9 2006, 02:42:06 UTC
Do they do any research on this show?



(The comment has been removed)

_jems_ November 8 2006, 20:26:47 UTC
It's funny how even though I thought V/D in season 2 was empty and meaningless because of how they refused to acknowledge how much they'd changed, it still seems a thousand times more meaningful than Veronica/Piz could ever hope to be.


harper47 November 8 2006, 20:48:56 UTC

You know - I would like Piz alot if they would just end this right now. The character has potential and Lowell has done okay acting wise. I just can't watch him without wanting to say "Get over it!!!"

And I have to agree with the final comments - what is Logan thinking? You can't expect Veronica to just trust you without wanting to know. This is Veronica after all.

I honestly don't have a problem with Keith and Harmony sleeping together. I actually think it's a very noir thing to do and would have been surprised if they didn't sleep together.


_jems_ November 8 2006, 21:27:46 UTC
I think Piz and Parker are a much better match than Piz and Veronica. I mean, really, what are they thinking with this character? I don't get it. They bring him in to be a love interest and this is what we get? Forget Logan, do the writers know who Veronica is?

I'm not sitting in judgment over them, but I just think that having an affair is stupid when the only reason you're doing it is because your marriage is dead. First put it out of its misery and then go for the other guy.


babyelefant November 8 2006, 20:19:43 UTC
I just love your Picspams!!!
(and I just realized that I'm really not leaveing enought comments)


_jems_ November 8 2006, 20:29:07 UTC
Thanks! And thanks for taking the time to tell me, especially on this crappy day. =)


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