The Post That LJ Forgot

Nov 06, 2006 15:18

I've noticed that in the past few weeks the only thing I post about is VM. I think it's because I've been avoiding this post, so let's dig in, shall we?

30 Rock
I really don't like this show. The thing is, there are so many things that could be good about it, but they're all ruined by Tracy Morgan. Every single one. Even the funny moments are totally stomped on by that horrible character.

So very much a pass for me.

Battlestar Galactica
I still don't care about these characters, and even the cylons are starting to bug me. Especially Six, who's just all over the place in terms of characterization. The only ones I kind of wholeheartedly love right now? Sharon and Helo. And Sharon-and-Helo.

Was it just me or was the score sounding an awful lot like the Titanic score there for a while? It just struck me every time and I wondered if it was done on purpose.

I'm still watching because I can recognize that right now it's good TV. I just don't care all that much.

Friday Night Lights
My initial assessment still stands: I don't really like the characters. There are two people I've become rather fond of (Matt Saracen and the coach's wife), but I'm not all that interested in what's happening with them. The coach had me until he started treating his wife like crap with the party.

The cinematography still bugs. It has absolutely no purpose, and I suspect it's done to look like a documentary but instead it comes off as "amateur home movies". There is waaaay too much shaking and no color! It bugs me that the camera is sometimes moving around so much that I can't tell who's in a scene until they start talking.

Funny, but the thing that's keeping me around still is actually the football. I don't understand the game half the time, but I'm interested to see where they're going with this in terms of the team.

Yesterday I was watching episode 5 (or whichever was the latest one) and paused it three minutes from the end. I forgot about it for three hours. I think that pretty much sums up my interest in this show.

While I've not liked the other shows in this entry and have therefore been dragging my feet about posting about them, with this one the opposite is true. I've actually been enjoying it, and have therefore avoided posting about it. *g* I mean, it's not all that great of a show, but I enjoy a lot of the characters and it's got 'ship potential!

I'm pretty sure this is one of those shows I'm not going to be heartbroken if it's cancelled, but for now I'm watching and enjoying it.

The Nine
I watched the second episode about a week ago, and wasn't all that into it. I've got a couple more to watch, but if my interest isn't piqued at some point I'm just going to stop watching.

Now that that's done I might be able to get back to "normal" posting. I have about four picspams half-planned out in my head. And only two of them are VM!

tv: friday night lights, tv: nine, tv: 30 rock, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: jericho

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