Nov 23, 2012 18:30
"I want to know why it is all in my head and not in my heart."
I've been reading one of my old prayer journals (because as one reflects on a transition to atheism, it helps to understand the journey). What strikes me now is how obviously asexual I was, and how much anxiety fed into my relationship with God, because I didn't know why I was different.
The journal covers much of high-school and college years. All growing up, I had been assured that one day I'd fall in love and get married, and I was starting to feel the pressure from my family to do so. I really wanted to understand love, and even more understand why I did not feel it.
I wrote this letter to God at the age of eighteen, before I knew I was aromantic asexual. My inner turmoil and my struggle with religion makes a lot more sense in the light of my sexuality.
Dear God,
Why don't I know what love is? Why don't I know the difference? Do I feel love for my family? How do I know? Do I feel love for my friends? Do I feel anything for anyone? Why is there no one who makes my heart flutter? Why is there never that caring emotion sparking in my soul?
Maybe I expect too much of the commercial view. Why have I never felt a spark of love, or even friendship? Why does everything come from the thought of what I should be feeling, and responding to that rather than what I am feeling?
What is it like to know someone--to know everything about that person? To love him and know that you do? What is it like? Why do I feel like such a phony when it comes to emotion? I know happy, sad, angry--the traditional repertoire. But when it comes to caring or loving... I don't know. I just don't.
And if I don't know what love feels like, how do I know if I love you? You ask if I love you with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Part of me says yes, simply because I want to. The rest of me says 'what does it feel like to love?'
At the time, I was anguished and desperate for an answer. I thought that when I found someone and fell in love, I'd start to understand what it meant to love God. I remember thinking it all the time: I'm terrible at relationships with tangible people, so how am I supposed to maintain a relationship with an intangible God?
The truth of the matter is that I'm not terrible at relationships. I just experience them differently, because I'm asexual.
A later excerpt read:
I don't really fear your awesome, supernatural power. That part of you just isn't real enough yet. Sometimes you're like any other guy. I just want you to be my friend. Then I won't have to say 'I love you' and be afraid I'm lying. I gotta get help on this love issue. I wish I could just feel it.
I think that's an interesting sentiment. When I approach a person, I just want them to be my friend. That's the most I ever want from anyone. It's very aromantic/asexual of me.