Sep 11, 2011 19:42

Fr. Schoenig, aka the future Pope Lando II, who is gone on sabbatical this year, has written a papal bull designating Phil the legate in charge of the Medieval Latin Reading Group this year. I miss that man already. Hilarious.

carissimis filiis discipulis Latinitatis in Universitate Sancti Ludovici:
salutem et apostolicam benedictionem.

Knowing that He would not remain on this earth forever, Our Lord Jesus Christ instructed His apostles in the words, "He who hears you hears Me," thereby communicating His authority and establishing a vicariate through which His presence and guidance would continue for all the ages. Moved by this divine precedent, the Supreme Pontiffs have always made use of legates to hold their place in diverse lands, so that, though the sheep be scattered, there may be one fold under one shepherd. We too, distracted by sundry duties and called to far-off regions, finding Ourselves unable to exercise that oversight of the Medieval Latin Reading Group to which We have been accustomed, must have recourse to the appointment of a suitable legate such as may convene, organize, preside over, and govern that blessed gathering, lest it wither on the vine for lack of watering and pruning. Therefore, by Our apostolic authority, We appoint Our trusted son Philip Koski as Legate of the Apostolic See to the Medieval Latin Reading Group of Saint Louis University, and We order him to hold Our place in convening, organizing, presiding over, and governing it, and We instruct all its members, Our sons and daughters, to pay heed to him in Our stead as if he were We. But if anyone should rashly presume to contradict this Our appointment, command, and instruction, let him know that he has incurred the wrath of almighty God and the displeasure of His holy Apostles Peter and Paul, whose place We hold.

Datum Ludovicopoli, apud Ecclesiam Sancti Francisci Xaverii, anno Incarnationis Dominicae MMXI, die tertio mensis Septembris, in festo Sancti Gregorii Magni, Pontificatus Nostri anno quinto decimo.

+ Landus PP. II

PPS - Don't make me use the wrath of His holy Apostles Peter and Paul because I will.

quote, the historians, professors, grad school, latin, nerdy

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