Oh hi there - yup had a baby

Sep 11, 2012 16:55

That’s basi­cally it - I had my lit­tle girl (yup a girl! Like hus­band thought so) her name is Lilith Enid Noella, she is now nearly three weeks old born 24th August at 7:36amand she is a lit­tle cutie (of course I’ll say this as her mother).

Hus­band and baby Lilith just after being born.

The birth/labour was hor­rific! There is no other words to describe it, after being in labour for three days and active labour for17 hours induced, too trau­matic for me to write right now -,just say over sim­u­la­tion of con­trac­tions, 3 days worth of labour, sob­bing, failed pain relief, hus­band sob­bing, never been that much pain in my life, for­ceps, failed suc­tion cup and being cut 3rd degree.  Then cord was around her neck, her shoul­ders got stuck and it took awhile for her to breath.

I am so happy for her to be here safe and sound, I man­aged to get us dis­charged less than 12 hours after hav­ing her as they were going to send my hus­band home and I was going to be alone with Lilith while I couldn’t walk prop­erly or move due to the cut.  I am really thank­ful for the mid­wife who helped Lilith and me escape at 11pm, first night was hard as my milk never came in due to my trau­matic birth and PCOS (which I never knew!) but she is now a happy lit­tle bunny (or bear if you see the out­fit hus­band put her in) on her formula.

We are cur­rently bat­tling with colic, well what we think is colic as she hasn’t slept well the last cou­ple of nights apart from last night where she did man­age to sleep 1am till 10am with only two wake ups! Hur­rah! The weeks before she has been really good about sleeping.

She is a lit­tle sweet heart, we love her to pieces even if she is a lit­tle night­mare some­times, wouldn’t have her any other way.

Bet­ter dash as Miss Lilith has awoken from her nap.

Originally published at Digital-Damita.net. Please leave any comments there.

boytoy aka husband, pregnancy, lilith

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