39 weeks

Aug 12, 2012 12:46

Well I have been on mater­nity leave for about 3 or 4 weeks now and we have reached 39 weeks, baby is still no fur­ther engaged then it was 4 weeks ago so it is just a wait­ing game.  Really enjoy­ing mater­nity leave been catch­ing up with friends and my fam­ily, organ­is­ing the house and mak­ing sure every­thing is ready to go!

I have now packed my bags ready to go to hos­pi­tal - one for labour, one for baby and one for me after­wards, I am hop­ing to stay at home as long as I can as hos­pi­tals freak me out! And I wasn’t overly impressed by my local hos­pi­tal when I was hav­ing hor­ri­ble dizzy spells and had to go in, my mid­wife has been really sup­port­ive and said if she is on shift she will come and check me at home.  I also have a scary meet­ing with my fer­til­ity spe­cial­ist Wednes­day as mine doesn’t like clo­mid preg­nancy to go past 40 weeks and likes to induce moth­ers but I don’t want to be induced and my mid­wife said there is no need for me to be induced and she will do a sweep this Fri­day so as I need to sup­port as I have no balls in stand­ing up to peo­ple I am tak­ing my mum with me as hus­band has to work.

My baby’s bednest is now up - for co sleep­ing it should last the first 6 months then we will buy a proper cot but I think it is really cute. Also been work­ing on my belly book of my bump pic­ture for each week - it was brought for me by a friend on a forum I post as I love it and man­aged to get it fin­ished last week. We also did a belly cast so we can remem­ber how big I was

So that has pretty much been the last few weeks - just going to appoint­ments - tak­ing hus­band to appoint­ments (he had his wis­dom tooth removed and then had an MRI for his back which came back clear) and spend­ing time with my broth­ers mostly as one has come back from uni­ver­sity and the other is on school holiday.

Happy 39 weeks to me and hope­fully the next post should be when the baby is here! Eeek!

Originally published at Digital-Damita.net. Please leave any comments there.

friends, house, boytoy aka husband, pregnancy, family

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