I have reached it! The beloved Maternity Leave!! I have never been more excited - I am now officially off work for a year (yup in the UK we get up to 52 weeks of - I only have 9 months of it paid and the other 3 months we are funding ourselves). My work were really sweet and brought me and baby some presents.
I got other bits and bobs and I love the little messages they wrote. Since starting maternity leave I have found out that baby is now engaged not fully but 3/5 engaged so I am pretty happy about that as I had some spotting last Friday and that freaked me out but it turns out it happened just because the baby dropped. I am been so uncomfortable lately at night as little wriggle bum wakes up at midnight and goes back to sleep at 2am.. I think this is a sign of things to come… I swear this child is going to be like my brother lazy and a night owl. I worry ha ha! Midwife thinks baby will be here at 38 weeks, my fertility specialist tells me that they won’t let me go past 40 weeks due to clomid pregnancy so it is ready or not.
Most of my maternity leave me sleeping or me napping which I am enjoying, husband is going to replace the bedroom door and build the cot this weekend very exciting! While he is doing that I am going to go visit my mum for a bit, today I went out shopping with my best friend and brought some really cute outfits even though I shouldn’t.
5 weeks to go and I have at last packed half my hospital bag, hurrah!
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