Yay! Maternity Leave

Jul 13, 2012 15:09

I have reached it! The beloved Mater­nity Leave!! I have never been more excited - I am now offi­cially off work for a year (yup in the UK we get up to 52 weeks of - I only have 9 months of it paid and the other 3 months we are fund­ing our­selves). My work were really sweet and brought me and baby some presents.

I got other bits and bobs and I love the lit­tle mes­sages they wrote.  Since start­ing mater­nity leave I have found out that baby is now engaged not fully but 3/5 engaged so I am pretty happy about that as I had some spot­ting last Fri­day and that freaked me out but it turns out it hap­pened just because the baby dropped.  I am been so uncom­fort­able lately at night as lit­tle wrig­gle bum wakes up at mid­night and goes back to sleep at 2am.. I think this is a sign of things to come… I swear this child is going to be like my brother lazy and a night owl.  I worry ha ha!  Mid­wife thinks baby will be here at 38 weeks, my fer­til­ity spe­cial­ist tells me that they won’t let me go past 40 weeks due to clo­mid preg­nancy so it is ready or not.

Most of my mater­nity leave me sleep­ing or me nap­ping which I am enjoy­ing, hus­band is going to replace the bed­room door and build the cot this week­end very excit­ing! While he is doing that I am going to go visit my mum for a bit, today I went out shop­ping with my best friend and brought some really cute out­fits even though I shouldn’t.

5 weeks to go and I have at last packed half my hos­pi­tal bag, hurrah!

Originally published at Digital-Damita.net. Please leave any comments there.

work, pregnancy

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