The never ending battle with sinusitis

Mar 23, 2012 12:09

Wait? What? I still have sinusi­tis - come on! I went to my doc­tors again on Wednes­day morn­ing because the headaches are just too hor­ri­ble to deal with even more so when I work at a call cen­tre so I am on the phones all the time, he said I have a high tem­per­a­ture and the infec­tion is now behind my eyes… I told him that this spray just isn’t work­ing for me and I am hav­ing no relief, so I have stronger antibi­otics and nasal drops (which are as gross as they sound, I have to lay on my back with my head hang­ing over the bed while hus­band has to drop them in my nose, it feels like I am drown­ing!). I man­aged to bat­tle my way into work on Wednes­day and Thurs­day but by Fri­day (today) it was too much so I have gone sick to recover, I slept for ages this morn­ing and now just catch­ing up on bits and pieces before I lay on the sofa for the rest of the day.

We have a week until our 20 week scan, which is pretty excit­ing, we won’t be find­ing out if it is a girl or boy so that will be one big sur­prise when it is born, I am quite tempted to find out because I am just so impa­tient and we have been call­ing it a girl for the last 8 weeks or since we found out about her even we have no idea if it is a girl we still call her she and by her name we have cho­sen, I have a feel­ing it is a girl, but if it comes out with a penis I will be just as happy.  I’ll feel a bit bad for call­ing him her the whole 9 months but I am sure he will for­give me.  But there will be no find­ing out as hus­band is dead set against it so he says it will ruin the biggest sur­prise we will ever have, fair enough he is being cute, so it will be 4 months until we find out.

I have brought a few more baby bits and have been banned by my mother as we are keep­ing at her house until our house has been done up (we are sort­ing out the loft so no room any­where at the moment), as her spare room is now too full and she wants to dec­o­rate it in a few weeks, so I will have to wait to order the nap­pies, swing, pushchair, car seat, cot and other bits that I keep for­get­ting… We are quite behind on this buy­ing bit so I really need to get a move on maybe store some stuff at my mother in laws house.

I am off to sleep again, have a great weekend.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

work, boytoy aka husband, pregnancy, health

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