18 weeks and still ill

Mar 17, 2012 13:15

I did recover from sinusi­tis but then got it again and now my doc­tor informs me I will have it the most of the preg­nancy, what fun times ahead. I have tried the antibi­otics but they are not work­ing and now I have nose spray, which got stuck down the back of my throat this morn­ing and nearly made me throw up!  It’s been a crazy for week - just up and downs, and most of it I can’t go into (as it is regard­ing my own fam­ily) so that makes for a very short blog post.

Other than that I have just been work­ing and sleep­ing fol­lowed by some more work­ing, hav­ing peo­ple shout at me on a daily basis doesn’t do much for my con­fi­dence but hey ho I need the cash, but I have hit 18 weeks which is pretty excit­ing, nearly half way through!  I have my 20 week scan in a few weeks and I look­ing for­ward to see­ing how much the baby has changed.

I still haven’t felt any­thing which is a lit­tle dis­ap­pointed, we check the heart­beat every week and it is strong and healthy.. maybe the baby isn’t a mover but on scans and when we are look­ing for the heart­beat it is mov­ing like crazy.  Fin­gers crossed that it is soon.

My mother in law was nice enough to give us some pen­nies to buy baby stuff so will start on that once the cheque clears - like a cot, nap­pies, pushchair and car seat.

Hope every­one has a good week

Originally published at Digital-Damita.net. Please leave any comments there.

friends, education, pregnancy

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