Hello 21 weeks & over half way through

Apr 08, 2012 13:54

Can’t believe we are already 21 weeks along, baby is very active keeps kick­ing me now and then, nor­mally when I really need to pee.  Hus­band has felt baby kick twice in the last cou­ple of weeks, most of the time the kicks are too light to be felt on the out­side, we started feel­ing the baby mov­ing about 19 weeks.  It is a weird feel­ing like an alien mov­ing, ha ha!

We had our 20 week scan and baby is per­fect, every­thing is in the right place and every­thing is work­ing the way it should be work­ing.  We are still keep­ing it a sur­prise so we didn’t find out the sex, but we will be hav­ing a 4D scan at 30 weeks (just to see what it will look like not to find out if it has a penis or not).

And I have been buy­ing like a mad woman, here’s our to buy/brought list:

Update baby list


* Eas­idream Ewan the Dream Sheep
* Grobag Egg Room Ther­mome­ter
* Per­fectly Happy Peo­ple Widgey Nurs­ing Pil­low - Ani­mal
* Pam­pers Micro New Baby Carry pack - 24 Nap­pies
* Pam­pers New Baby Size 1 Carry pack - 27 Nap­pies
* Boots Essen­tials Change Mat blue
* Pam­pers Sen­si­tive + Aloe & Chamomile Baby Wipes 56
* Boots Baby Cot­ton Wool Pleats 200g
* Bepan­then Nappy Care Oint­ment - 50g
* Tom­mee Tippee Dis­pos­able Breast Pads 50Pack
* Tom­mee Tippee Closer To Nature Com­plete Starter Kit
* 6 dum­mies - Tom­mee Tippee
* dis­pos­able briefs for me
* More baby wipes
* Mid­dle Box Pop-In Nappy Kit
* Acces­sory Pack
* Cheeky Wipes Kit
* Breast Pump
* Tom­mee Tippee Closer to Nature Bot­tles 3 x 260ml with 0m+ teats
* boy baby clothes bun­dle 0-3 months dun­ga­rees vests sleep­suit 7 items
* New­born Baby­grows / Sleep­suits x3 (prob­a­bly more my mum and MIL have gone crazy­with buy­ing!)
* Tiny Baby Vests Bun­dle
* NEXT Uni­sex Bun­dle Of Baby Clothes
* Baby clothes 120 items
* Chang­ing bag
* Blan­kets
* Muslin squares
* cel­lu­lar blan­kets x2
* nappy bags
* mater­inty pads with wings
* Nip­ple pads
* lansi­noh nip­ple cream
* Baby bath
* pump and save bags
* Baby Groom­ing Set
* Sponge - 2pk Yel­low
* Baby Bath Ther­mome­ter
* Cat nets for cot & pushchair
* baby mon­i­tor
* bibs
* Scatch mitts
* nip­ple shields
* Pushchair/car seat
* Swing
* Baby play mat
* Mobile
* Bumbo
* Sun cream

To buy

* dark knick­ers
* nurs­ing bras
* Cot - http://www.bednest.com/index.php
* stair gate
* baby sling
* sun hats

For later
* BabySteps Healthy Snack Feeder Kit
* High chair

I feel like we are prepar­ing for an inva­sion, I guess we are in some way. Ha ha!

Okay I’ve got to go have a bath before I go round to my mother’s for din­ner, hope every­one is hav­ing a lovely Easter!

Originally published at Digital-Damita.net. Please leave any comments there.

boytoy aka husband, pregnancy, family

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