Smallville "Promise" Clana post

Mar 17, 2007 00:53

I usually don't make fangirlish tv rants or whatever on my LJ, as I usually post my TV opinions on the Devoted Fans Network forums. But this week’s Smallville episode, titled “Promise” was an episode I was looking forward to so badly, more than any other episode for any other show, and it delivered - it was all kinds of love if you are a Clana ( ( Read more... )

october road, the black donnellys, smallville, battlestar galactica, bones, tv talk, ugly betty, supernatural

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Comments 6

feelthis March 16 2007, 15:28:50 UTC
LOL you know me too well. Yeah I'll post my pic spam a little bit later, and hell this episode was amazing. Loved it. Clana forever!


zuppit March 16 2007, 20:14:27 UTC
ha ha yep, I always look forward to your Smallville posts, and you make the best picspams! I can't wait to see them in your LJ *hyper*

I agree, Clana forever, well at least for Smallville anyway :P


emonet25 March 16 2007, 15:36:35 UTC
Tom never looked more handsome than he did in your last cap. The last Clana scene. It totally breaks my heart seeing it.


zuppit March 17 2007, 01:36:23 UTC
I so agree with ya Steff. He just looks so hot in a suit, with or without a tie. I just felt so bad for him, my heart bleeds with him. I just hope he finds out soon :(


lvoisa March 16 2007, 16:07:49 UTC
i loved this eposide as well!! it had so many things thats been missing from smallville for so long. even if clana didnt get together, its there. they love eachother, the stares *sigh* and i really loved when lana overheard that convo, cause she finally got to know that clark has loved her all along. and i loved the softness in her voice when she said "clark", when she was writing that note to lex. cant agree with you more, it was a great episode. and KK looked so beautiful in her weddingoutfit. im really glad she didnt go with what she was wearing in clarks dream (i guess he has a thing for extreme red lips :P) TW looked so hott as well. my heart broke with him, and with lana. lol sorry for going rantish on your lj but i just have so much to say about the episode!


zuppit March 17 2007, 01:41:54 UTC
I love to hear long rants! I totally agree with everything you said Lovisa, even those red lips of Lana's. Blood red lipstick looks terrible on her. I am glad she went for the minimal make up look for the actual wedding. She just looked so gorgeous and so beautiful.

I am glad that Lana heard that the reason he never told her his secret was to protect her, and not out of distrust, I also love the fact that it wasn't easy for him to give her up, because she thinks he has no real feelings for her.

I really can't wait for the future episodes and what happens with Clana. Next week's Combat sounds like a bore, but other episodes I am so hyped up about.

I am totally back into the show now!!


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