Smallville "Promise" Clana post

Mar 17, 2007 00:53

I usually don't make fangirlish tv rants or whatever on my LJ, as I usually post my TV opinions on the Devoted Fans Network forums. But this week’s Smallville episode, titled “Promise” was an episode I was looking forward to so badly, more than any other episode for any other show, and it delivered - it was all kinds of love if you are a Clana (Clark and Lana) and maybe even if you like Lex and Lana. This is one of the most emotional episodes of a show I have seen, probably ever. I am still trying to get over the crazy emotions now as I type this. I haven't been interested in Smallville since mid-season 5 about a year ago, mainly cos of the downfall of Clana and Lexana coming about. I am a mad Clana shipper and have been for 6 years now, they are my first ship ever and I guess they will always be my number one even though they frustrate me a lot of the time. Well the rest of this post will contain spoilers for those who haven't seen it, so you probably won't want to read any further.

Clana bashers should get the fuck out! You won't be liking this post very much.

This is in my humble opinion, probably the best Clana episode to date or right up there with the best, so much happened, and so many developments - all the emotions from joy to heartbreak, but love all around. The acting was superb from all the characters, best was Kristin as Lana. It was a different way of storytelling in Smallville, how the episode was narrated from three different perspectives from the three main characters - Clark, Lex and then Lana. It first started off as a dream, then it described how the day of the wedding went along for each of the characters, it was very interesting to see from each character’s point of view.

This episode turned out better than I expected. Even though I was dreading the wedding between Lex and Lana, I am glad that she married (even though under duress) knowing Clark's secret, happy that Lana would have wanted to be with Clark despite knowing now who is really is, Clark finally admitting his true feelings TO Lana, Clark revealing who he is (before Lana cutting him off), Lana making the biggest sacrifice to protect her one true love.

You would think that Lana marrying Clark’s enemy would be a nightmare for me, but I guess it's a bit easier for me because of the circumstances surrounding the wedding, that Lana was having second thoughts after knowing about Clark, and that she would rather be with Clark than with Lex. If Lana continues on her redeeming path, then it will be sooner rather than later that she finds out the truth about her husband and her "baby".

Lana really stepped it up this week, I haven’t been a Lana fan lately. Once she stops playing the victim, then I will warm up to her once again. This episode shows that she isn’t so naïve much now. I guess she wanted to know about Clark before she went ahead with her marriage to Lex and glad that she took the initiative to do something. Clark obviously wasn’t gonna tell her (he did once, but she ended up dead), so she hatched up a plan by getting Chloe locked in the wine cellar. I guess she knew that Clark would come to Chloe’s rescue and get her out. I just loved seeing Lana’s reaction with just her eyes, when she was spying, seeing Clark ripping off the door, using his heat vision and speeding off. Hopefully she will soon put two-and-two together and realize that he is a Kryptonian, the same people that she met using the same powers from last season. Kristin does such a great job with expressing her emotions with just her eyes, she is amazing and has grown so much as an actress.

I love Lana hearing the conversation between Clark and Chloe and that Lana knows that Clark still cares about her, and after six years, she finds out that he was trying to protect her by not telling her his secret and not because he doesn’t trust her.

Clark: I better go.
Chloe: That's it? You filled in your damsel-in-distress quota for the day, and your just...gonna walk away?
Clark: What am I supposed to do?
Chloe: I guess I always just figured that you'd sweep in and save the day, but you're not gonna do that, are you?
Clark: If Lana didn't wanna marry Lex, she wouldn't.
Chloe: Yeah, but Lana's not my hero, Clark -- you are. And this whole idea that you haven't told her who upi really are, that you are giving up the one person that you totally love --
Clark: I'm protecting her.
Chloe: Good job. She's marrying a monster and trapping herself into a loveless life.
Clark: Oh, you think this is easy for me?
Chloe: I think it's easier than getting hurt. Clark, you don't hesitate to run into a burning building or jump in front of a bullet because nothing can penetrate that iron flesh of yours. But the one time saving Lana means putting your heart on the line, the man of steel is nowhere to be found.

But woah Lionel! I don’t know who is the bigger evil Luthorian prick - Lex or Lionel. If Lana doesn’t marry Lex, then he “will kill Clark Kent” with this weakness OMFG!

"I give you my word, Miss Lang, if you don't honor the promise that you made to my son or I find out that you have told anyone about this conversation, I will kill Clark Kent."

Poor Lana, she had her doubts, but she will do whatever it takes to protect Clark. I don’t know what Lionel’s motivations are for this. But I reckon that once Lex finds out that Lionel blackmailed Lana into marrying him and then ruining his life, Lex will kill his father, and would probably hide him in the crypt with Lana’s dead doctor.

Speaking of the doc, gosh Lex committing murder on the day of his wedding, and marrying Lana with the blood of her physician on his shirt? Damn, killing the doc who knows the secret with Lana’s “baby” is a little setback, it would make it harder for Lana to find the truth about what is really going on. Gosh I was sickened with the ultrasound scene, don’t get me started on that!

LOL at Clark practicing his proposal on Shelby!

I loved the scene after the wedding, “You look me in the eye and you tell me, you would rather spend the rest of your life with Lex Luthor instead of me”. Oh Clana, you break my heart *sob*. Such as role reversal from Hypnotic where Lana tells Clark, “Look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t love me”.

Oh dear, I felt so sorry for Lana, how she was crying while she was marrying Lex and straight afterwards, and knowing how much it will devastate Clark, especially since she promised him that they would get together earlier on. Also those looks they exchanged at the end when Lana drove away in the "Just Married" car with Lex and Clark looking at her so hurt and so shattered, I was crushed, this is way worse than Hypnotic after Clark broke things off with Lana and telling her that he didn't love her anymore, but I loved it. Tom Welling and Kristin Kreuk have amazing chemistry and can do so much with one look, which is why I obsess over this ship.

Poor Clark, I hope he finds the truth soon but I bet the writers would drag this out for a bit. I don’t care if Clark and Lana get together romantically or not, I would prefer if they didn’t cos they have been down that road many times. I just want a close friendship like they have in the mythos. Either way, I see Clana rebuilding, especially after Lana finds out the truth about Lex.

Sounds soap-opera-rish doesn’t it? Well, sadly that is what Smallville has become, over-the-top and too much drama, oh well, I will always still love this show.

Made heaps of caps from this episode, will start making some icons for my next icon post, but for now, just posting a few small-sized caps from the memorable scenes. If you want a detailed picspam, check out stephi_crow’s LJ, I expect she will have one up, or will soon.

I hope I am not missing anything from this episode, I think I covered the main bits, or the bits that matter to me. Oh Clark and Lana, I love you so damn much!

Other shows for the week:

The Black Donnellys
Watch the episode plus this week’s episode last night. I am so sad the Jenny is brushing off Tommy, I was liking them too together. But I guess I understand Jenny, that she has to lie to protect Tommy and she knows that he has gone from someone she could rely on, to someone she doesn’t know anymore. Kevin is just a dumbass, Jimmy is still a dick and Sean, well, he is still in the hospital. No shirtless Tommy scenes, I was hoping for some more :D

Yey its back on, it seems like forever since I have seen the last episode, I still need to download it.

Ugly Betty
(see Bones entry)

I usually don’t watch this show, but will see this week’s episode cos Tricia Helfer is guest starring. I love her in Battlestar Galactica, but she plays a bad-ass, so I want to see her in a different role, and also a different look. I am so use to seeing her curly white hair on BSG, but on Supernatural she will have her natural brown straight hair. In addition to the demons and evil spirits that is on SPN, now they can add cylon ;)

October Road
Premiered last night after Grey’s Anatomy. Drama show that I am interested in seeing because of Bryan Greenberg. I miss him as Jake on One Tree Hill, but glad to see him in a lead role in a new show.

october road, the black donnellys, smallville, battlestar galactica, bones, tv talk, ugly betty, supernatural

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