Earth Hour!

Mar 28, 2008 12:11

Nope, internet connection still not up yet. Soo annoyinggg. Am blogging from KGNS coz it's freee :-D

So on Monday, there was an electricity cut in my area for about 7 hours.. At first it was like lalala I think I can survive kot, coz I usually don't switch on the aircond during the day, and prefer to open up the windows instead..
But after lunch, the heat was becoming sooo unbearable already. Huu. I couldn't even take a nap.
Had lotsa work to do too, like printing and scanning and all that, but I just couldn't do any of it without electricity.
So, me and Sha decided to head to Bangsar for tea and I brought along my sketchbook to do some rendering. Lol

Okay, so what's the point of me mentioning all this? Well, actually this just shows how much we take power for granted, amongst other things.
Hasn't any of you noticed how hot it's been lately?? And no, it doesn't take an electricity cut to make you realize that. It's crazee. Come on guys, global warming is REAL and it's happening as we speak.

So, don't you wanna do your part and do something about it? Tomorrow, 29th March 2008 is when Earth Hour will be taking place.
And what is that, you may ask?
Well, it's basically a day where you turn off the lights for an hour to reduce energy consumption, thus reducing the emission of carbon dioxide..
So, on Saturday all you have to do is switch off all the lights in your house from 8pm to 9pm, and you'll be amazed at how much energy you can save by doing so.
If you want more info on Earth Hour, please check this out..
It's just an hour guys.. Let's do it!! Pleeease?? *big, puppy dog eyes*

environment, bangsar, global warming

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