Making a comeback.

Mar 30, 2008 13:14

Woo hoo! Internet's back!
Was just about to continue writing my essay after dessert last night, when suddenly my Gmail Notifier tingggs and I swear it's the best sound to hear :-D
So obviously I had put off writing my essay to see what's been happening online. Hahah

Found out that this guy found my blog and was sweet enough to send me a message. It went something like this:

hi hows it going..
first things first
my name is luke
im from the states
california to be exact...
i see youre from malaysia
one of my oldest cousin just married a girl from malaysia
crazy story how they met..
same as thiss one..
my brother had brought home a verse the other day...
umm distance is not an obstacle.. or somethingg
well i tried to think of the whole thing but didnt know the exact words
and i googled distance is not an obstacle
and your profile came up and when i got to your page looking for this verse i was looking at the amazing journal posts things you havee
and you are truly an amazing personn
theres so much to youuu
well thought i just let you know thatt..
thats alll

Awww. Someone actually thinks that of me. Heee
Luke, you know what? You totally made my day! :)))

And moving on to other news.....
Guys, guess what's the latest trend for this season?

Leaving your girlfriend for unacceptable and vague reasons.

You tell her you love her, you enjoy her company and all that crap.
Then next thing you say is you've drifted apart, you say you've changed, you say things have changed, and you're not doing anything about it.
Yes, it has happened to me and seeing it happen to a friend of mine just brings back all the things I had to go through once upon a time.
And that just sucks.
It's just too similar, it's raising suspicion in my head.
Macam these guys have been brainwashed or something, I don't know.
If we can get enough members, I think we should start a club or something. Hahah
I'll be president, and she can be vice president.
Meetings will be held as often as necessary and cupcakes will be served..
Anyone interested to join?
There's no membership fee, just make sure you come prepared with lots of juicy gossip to exchange! ;-)

Okay, I think you can tell how much sleep I've been lacking..
Work has been annoying, but that's nothing new....
Had to turn down not one, but TWO shopping trips with Papa coz I have so much work to do. Huuu
Mama Papa and Sha are at OU now, shopping and having a nice lunch and here I am at home with piles of work to attend to :'(
To make things worse, I only had Indo Mie for lunch and mangy Adam is telling me bout his steak and cheese Subway sandwich, and bringing up the lamb and cheese kebab he had for supper last night. Stupid annoying monkey.

I need a break! And foood. Huu :-(

parents, sha, assignments

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