Sun, 12:59: RT @ NateSilver538: A lot of the analysis that asks "how is Biden still winning?" seems to miss a major element in his support: A lot of D v…
Fri, 09:57: RT @ ag_due: The Sanders' campaign is a halfway house for recovering Rand Paul-libertarian millennials and anyone who ran for office as a de…
Tue, 20:34: I’m impressed to see Sen Sanders at this debate after having a heart attack. He’s not my candidate but still, good…
Wed, 21:15: I don’t know if it’s the format or the way the moderators are couching the questions but this debate feels like it’…
Wed, 21:21: I wish the moderators would let Castro speak more often. He’s unflappable. #DemDebate2
Wed, 22:00: I like Biden, but I don’t think he did as well as he needed to in this debate. #
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