Again Today.

May 04, 2007 18:55

*goes down on her knees*
Please, dearest, treasured and loved me, be strong enough to not spoil yourself on yesterday's episode before you can watch it for yourself. Pleeeeease. Do not check your flisties as you did this morning when you thought it wouldn't count because it was early in the morning. You know you cannot resist anymore tags that go " ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

ongiara May 5 2007, 08:51:41 UTC
Pleeeeease. Do not check your flisties as you did this morning when you thought it wouldn't count because it was early in the morning.
LMAO... it's way too tempting, isn't it? Well, hope you got the chance to watch it by now. I enjoyed it 2 times and half yesterday already...what, I'm addicted and that's fine with me :D

*shares Jell-O*


zora_sourit May 5 2007, 10:46:38 UTC
it's way too tempting, isn't it?
It's a nightmare ;)! Worst of all is being cut off from lj-life, meh.

I haven't had the chance yet to watch it but it looks like I'll have some quite time later on *eyes light up*. It's good to to know that you liked it :)!
I think I even have a version without the glitch, if that is possible... hmmm. I'll let you know!

*greedily gulps down Jell-O*


zora_sourit May 5 2007, 15:30:34 UTC
eeeek! Ok, I've watched it and it was wonderful! I'll have tor ewatch it to be able to really absorb it. But... one of the best eps this season. Definitely.
Oh, btw, i do have the version with the glitch after all ;).


ongiara May 5 2007, 15:36:03 UTC
I'll have to rewatch it to be able to really absorb it.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Every ep grows on me even more with each rewatch.

As for the glitch, there's a HR (700MB) file around on torrents that's glitch-free and I just converted it to a 342MB file but the quality isn't as good as the usual HQ I'm afraid. Haven't converted vids in a long time LOL So I'm not quite sure if it's fair to upload and sell it as an HQ, you know?


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