Again Today.

May 04, 2007 18:55

*goes down on her knees*
Please, dearest, treasured and loved me, be strong enough to not spoil yourself on yesterday's episode before you can watch it for yourself. Pleeeeease. Do not check your flisties as you did this morning when you thought it wouldn't count because it was early in the morning. You know you cannot resist anymore tags that go "Dean, oh nooo!". You are just not strong enough.
And I know you're itching to comment and put you're own two cents to it but just don't.
Be nice.
Instead, be happy that the GSRs are freaking out right now at the Forum from Hell because of some trailer for the next CSI-ep. Hehehehe.

Isn't the new GA's spin-off airing today? I hope it'll be good, Kate Walsh is amazing and so is Amy Brenneman('s hair) and Timothy!gasp!Daly!!!!.

Ok, will turn this thing off now, for my own safety.

Hugs and chocolate!
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