Farewell ♥

May 09, 2007 11:41

Hey Babes,

before everyone's up and gone to the Asylum con, I want to wish you lots and lots and LOTS of fun and Jensen's ass to grab, Nikki Aycox flinching when you go up to her and whisper "Christo", Allison Mack being all giggly and funny and Jensen just being ... le dreamy sigh ... Jensen.
Don't ask if he's curling his eyelashes, cause he doesn't.
Except of course you want to systematically (oh, I know you so well) embarrass him and make him look all shy. Then please take a quick picture of him for us girls who have to stay home.

Have a great time meeting other fangirls (maybe the odd fanboy in between) and enjoy your time in wonderful UK (breakfast!!!!). I want to see all your reports when you get home and - of course - picspams!!!!!

I'm, sorry that Jared and me won't make it but - as I informed trustygeek the other day - we will be off to a top-secret tropical island. Believe me, it's difficult with schedules like ours to find some time for a quick vacation. I know you understand. We'll make sure to be there next time :).

Now off you go and make momma proud! Come back home safe! *schmooches*
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