Disorganised as usual, I completely failed to manage a round-up of 2007 before the year actually ended, never mind a New Year post within sneezing distance of the start of 2008. Oh well - a belated Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that everyone had a good time over the holiday period and 2008 is treating people well so far.
Christmassy things )
Comments 8
Luring you into Firefly was possibly my most cunning act of genius until I sent you Supernatural, muahahahaha. Fandom is richer for your presence, my darling! You are an awesome beta-reader, you know, as I'm sure anyone who's lucky enough to have had you beta for them will agree.
And you are also an utterly awesome author, omg! 20 fics, WOW. I hadn't realised it was quite that many - you wrote like a mofo this year, dude! So many shiny fics of genius. *glees*
but I know that we genuinely collaborated, so I don't discount my own input - UNDERSTATEMENT, biznitch. I would go on a rant about how it is so very much a genuinely cowritten fic, but we were rambling about that just the other day, so I know you know ( ... )
I think you should do the fic-meme! It was fun - it's nice to have the excise to ponder one's writing a bit. Plus, we all get to marvel anew at your awesome fics <3<3<3
Heee, I do love my new layout! Thank you SO MUCH for all your help with it, dude. I never could have managed to do it without you *loves on you*
I do not know why you are not here on my couch, but I DISAPPROVE. Come back soon, plz!
ETA You sneakily edited your comment while I was replying! We totally are nearly at 100, how the hell did that happen? *loves on the boys*
I'm so glad that you had a good year and that you're looking forward to 2008.
(Who only wrote 10 fics above 200 words this year)
You may have only written ten fics, but they are quality! I am hoping to get my hands on the first season of Heroes soon, and then I will be able to read some of the stuff I have missed. I am feeling a bit out of all the Heroes love on my flist!
It has been amazing to get to know you too. When I think about the fact that I didn't even know you this time last year, it's kind of shocking! I still remember finding yours and Cal's fics. You were so friendly and welcoming, and it was just what I needed. (You'll never get rid of me now, haha). I loved being able to Ameri-pick your bigbang fic, and I hope I'll get the chance to do something like that again.
I feel honored that you consider me a good writer, but even better that you consider me a good friend. I feel like we are real friends even though we don't get to talk nearly often enough (that needs to be one of my new year resolutions that I haven't made yet, lol). Love you, and Happy New Year (one week late!) :D :D :D
Man, I can't believe we didn't even know each other this time last year. I am glad Cal and I made you feel welcome :D It is a joy knowing you - no way we would want to get rid of you! And we are planning on big-banging again this year, so if you fancy Ameri-pickin whatever we come up with we wuld be most grateful <3
I feel like we are real friends too <333 It would be lovely to talk more often, although you are super-busy, dude! But hopefully we will catch up a bit more often this year :D Love you too, Happy New Year!
Happy New Year - how is all with you?
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