Disorganised as usual, I completely failed to manage a round-up of 2007 before the year actually ended, never mind a New Year post within sneezing distance of the start of 2008. Oh well - a belated Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that everyone had a good time over the holiday period and 2008 is treating people well so far.
Christmassy things )
Luring you into Firefly was possibly my most cunning act of genius until I sent you Supernatural, muahahahaha. Fandom is richer for your presence, my darling! You are an awesome beta-reader, you know, as I'm sure anyone who's lucky enough to have had you beta for them will agree.
And you are also an utterly awesome author, omg! 20 fics, WOW. I hadn't realised it was quite that many - you wrote like a mofo this year, dude! So many shiny fics of genius. *glees*
but I know that we genuinely collaborated, so I don't discount my own input - UNDERSTATEMENT, biznitch. I would go on a rant about how it is so very much a genuinely cowritten fic, but we were rambling about that just the other day, so I know you know it already. So I will settle for saying that I view your role in that fic in much the same way you do mine. <33333333333333333333333 I am very proud of it too, I think it turned out awesomely, even if no one else will ever truly understand the levels of our crazy mofodom!
Hmmm, I wasn't going to do the 2007-fic meme (as I figured it would mostly just involve pointing at my ficlist and saying "yeah, them", hahahahha), but perhaps I should. *will ponder*
"Dedicate" is a pretty word and a fabulous idea, and you are fulfilling it brilliantly so far, my darling. *cheers you on*
Also, your gorgeous layout still makes me beam whenever I see it. Looooooooovely! You did an awesome job with it.
(Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy am I in Berlin and not cluttering up your couch? *SULKS*)
ETA: Woooo for not-poem love! We will totally be at 100 soon, you know. *boggles* <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
I think you should do the fic-meme! It was fun - it's nice to have the excise to ponder one's writing a bit. Plus, we all get to marvel anew at your awesome fics <3<3<3
Heee, I do love my new layout! Thank you SO MUCH for all your help with it, dude. I never could have managed to do it without you *loves on you*
I do not know why you are not here on my couch, but I DISAPPROVE. Come back soon, plz!
ETA You sneakily edited your comment while I was replying! We totally are nearly at 100, how the hell did that happen? *loves on the boys*
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