What could possibly go wrong? I'm not going to post a dissertation on that link; I just thought that I would do my bit to give this particular idea more exposure.
Today I am tired, and not just in the way that one usually defines the word - I am emotionally, physically, psychically, and emotionally done. Plug me in and turn out the lights, please
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Comments 4
I hope you get the past finances sorted out. It'll be good if you can get that extra money back.. it should go a long way to paying for THIS time around the wheel, eh?
It's always funny how so many smokers complain about how somebody might get an extra break, or how it isn't fair that this person shoud get to sit for two minutes, or how this or that or something else. Especially when it's a place where nonsmokers don't typically get to vanish for 5-12 minutes at a time. Several times a day. Bleh.
But I'm glad Storm got to prove his stuff. It sucks that he HAD to, but him going "Oh, geeze, don't die, Sarah!" at work is good.
I seem to be having troubles focusing my thoughts. I hope I've made sense.
The smoking thing I have never understood (never have inhaled, don't want to start now) and we have the same issue where I work. Clusters of people wander off several times a day and that seems to be perfectly fine. If I want to wander off for a coffee on the outside, that could be a different matter. Grr.
And the dragons are cool. :)
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