OMG! I love the layout!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry if I'm a little slow girls Mediacom are buttholes and turned my service off when I paid my bill. Cool part is though I'm back online with a service credit since they messed up and while they were fixing there mistake we decided it was time to get another internet line which means I get my own screen and can
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What weird misc. thing are you? Puking smilie. You have no problem sharing your problems with complete strangers. You also have no problem sharing your food.. You're downright nasty.
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No I didn't know, how do I do that? I'm interested in getting better at all the internet stuff. I understand where you are coming from. you can kick me in the butt if you*kicks herself in the butt*
I have xbox live....yay!!!!!!! Finally I can play on my own damn account. I haven't been posting in my own journal that much because I've pretty much stayed in the Halo communities. So hope to talk to you later.
Its been a day let me tell you... I'm sick and tired of all this rain. it's the forth day of rain and the ground never did dry up from the 18 inches of snow just but like 2 weeks ago. The snow took about a week and a half to finally leave
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