She came, she vidded, she conquered.

Mar 02, 2009 13:14

Welcome to the Kiki-fandom newsletter
[x] Down The Rabbit Hole - Vid Recommendations: The Merlin Edition: Devil Said by kiki_miserychic. This vid is stunning and addictive! brilliant A.U. story of love, loss, and fighting back for the pairing of Morgana and Guinevere.

[x] [some kind of title] - A pair of Merlin vids: On the off-chance that someone has missed these videos by kiki_miserychic, get thee to watching! Both use footage from other sources--such as King Arthur, Merlin (Sam Neill version), & Mists of Avalon. Between the Bars (Merlin/Arthur) The people you've been before Devil Said (Morgana, Morgana/Gwen) It's time that I made myself real clear Clever, compelling editing and concepts. Just fantastic! This is how you combine sources. Oh yes.

[x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps - [today i married myself & i became my own wife]: devil said by kiki_miserychic morgana & morgana/gwen. so beautiful... morgana changes & there's nothing even she can do about it.

[x] woldy: Recs: HP femslash, Merlin slash & femslash, & a meta vid.: Devil Said by kiki_miserychic (Morgana/Gwen). This vid is absolutely stunning. The vidder has almost-seamlessly added scenes from a couple of other media sources to portray a sexual relationship between Gwen & Morgana and to explore Morgana's strength and independence. Moreover, the vid uses a wonderful song that makes an incredibly strong feminist point when combined with the images.

[x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps - [myself & i, we share this barley beating heart of hurt]: chuck. right round by kiki_miserychic. super shiny fun! (in 3d) an episodic vid for 212 - chuck vs. the third dimension.

[x] halfamoon: Women: Vid Recs 2008-2009: This was a great year for vids about women. Here are just a few of my favorite vids focusing on female characters since last Valentine's Day. Deadwood, Joanie Stubbs - Special Death by kiki_miserychic.Firefly, River Tam, - The Girl or the Weapon? by kiki_miserychic. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Cameron - Does Cameron Dream of Electric Sheep? by kiki_miserychic.

[x] One Woman Revolution - Happy Valentines Day!: Between the Bars by kiki_miserychic I love that this uses multiple Arthurian legend sources. It's beautiful to watch.

[x] See, Vera?: Devil Said, a Morgana vid that made my blood run a leetle cold. Gram Rabbit brings the disturbing song, vid source from several Arthurian and other sources, mostly Merlin, kiki_miserychic brings the vidding excellence. I was saying, just the other day, in someone else's journal, that Merlin femslash was fab because there was at least one story a day, and yes, you scoffers, that is actually a little bit prolific for femslash. Recently, though, even more than that. *glee* And vids, see above, vids!

[x] every second tuesday: Vid of the day! Right Round: A day in the life of Chuck Bartowski (in 3-D). You don't need 3-D glasses to enjoy this, but it and the episode it takes clips from are yet more reasons why I need to hunt some out. (Chuck)

[x] thenewhope: instarec!: everyone who has seen a second of Merlin BBC needs to absolutely go watch kiki_miserychic's vid, Devil Said, which is Morgana and Morgana/Gwen and brilliant and beautiful and haunting. seriously, there need to be more female and femslash-centric vids like this one.

[x] cupidsbow: The Songvid Surprise Game: In the end I've gone for the impressionistic songvid, as I think you will find it the most interesting of the two. It's a haunting Doctor Who songvid about Rose, by the avant-garde vidder, kiki_miserychic: Silent Night. It makes me ache every time I watch it.

[x] talitha78: Vidding for Charity; Some Vid Recs: "so say we all ii (It's All Part of a Bigger Plan)" (Battlestar Galactica): I've said before that kiki_miserychic is an avant garde vidder, and this piece is another clear example. It's dense, trippy, strange, and breathtaking. And on top of that, it is quite stunningly beautiful.

[x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps - [dawn of this stuff wasn't nearly enough, though i thought it would keep you here]: merlin. between the bars bykiki_miserychic so beautiful. myth, legend & well... there's not much left of the crack of the original show. ... just stunning. I don't have the words to describe it.

[x] angstslashhope: the things you could do - you won't, but you might: An amazing Merlin vid by kiki_miserychic to a cover of "Between the Bars". Watch!

[x] Useless Talent #46 - Vid recs: Between the Bars (Merlin) by kiki_miserychic. As much an Arthurian legend vid as it is a vid for the BBC series, and the different sources are used brilliantly.

[x] The True Story of Matilda Sweetfuck - underwear; further fail, or an update re: my last post; a rec!: While I am here, a rec: kiki_miserychic's Between the Bars, which is the Merlin/Arthurian legend vid I never knew I needed to see. It's lovely, with a great song choice, and the connections she makes between sources are really sharp and haunting. Go, watch the vid, leave feedback!

[x] leuco crystal violet - Zellie's Favorite Fanvids of 2008!: The Girl or the Weapon? by kiki_miserychic (Firefly) An appropriately haunting, layered juxtaposition and instrumental examination of the contrary minds of River Tam.

[x] we're just imposters - Favorite Vids of 2008: Special Death (Deadwood) by kiki_miserychic. Piece of Me (The Royal Tenenbaums) by kiki_miserychic.

[x] sundayscat: vid rec: I want to rec this excellent vid by kiki-miserychic, it’s about Shane from the L-Word, the song choice is just perfect for her and the editing is great too.

[x] [some kind of title] - vid recs: Sarah Connor Chronicles: Ding! Dong! by kiki_miserychic. Wonderful use of movement. The flow has a great sort of musicality to it.

[x] charmax: So many awesome vids so many awesome vidders!: Soap in a Bathtub - kiki_miserychic. L Word. I would never have figured this for a Shane vid but it works so well. The same pattern repeating again and again always felt pretty lazy on the part of the show. You really made that work for you in this vid and it really made sense of Shane’s constant self sabotage. The nightclub on the “murky waters” line was great. As for the having found what others are looking for that’s so sweet.

[x] boom_queen: One of those linkspam all-encompassing-brain-dump type things: I also really enjoyed kiki_miserychic's recent vid for Shane from the L Word. It's steamy and emotional, showing all the ways that Shane is strong, sexy and prone to self-sabotage.

[x] aycheb: Vid meme: That top five 2008 vids meme. Your Honor by kiki_miserychic. Vivid as a firecracker, jagged little pill. But I like the quiet when she’s still.

[x] talitha78: VidUKon Slash Vidshow Playlist: Memory Vid by kiki_miserychic (Battlestar Galactica): I love the look, the artistry and the smut.

[x] Multimedia Recommendations: kiki_miserychic - The Girl or the Weapon? (Firefly, River) - Kiki's thesis crawls out of this instrumental vid entirely through her clever colour choices and calculated image overlays.

[x] stultiloquentia: Assorted PSAs: kiki_miserychic's Closer vid, which is straight up meta about [how we make porn for each other], and, I hasten to add, NOT SAFE FOR WORK. Or living rooms with kids in. o.O.

[x] heyiya: links to vids and a pornographic meta rec: kiki_miserychic's Closer (for Jamie). This is a vid about vidding, although that might not be immediately apparent on first viewing to those of you who are easily distracted by hot naked people. That they may not be familiar hot naked people doesn't mean they don't signify the hot people that fandom likes to imagine naked,. If you're familiar with the NIN song, and particularly with TJonesy and Killa's Star Trek vid to Closer, the music will be the first clue. The vid wants to violate, desecrate, fuck up and make new like vidders do. It wants to get inside the gaze: to objectify and perform and fetishize and cut and edit. Characters fuck and wank and watch, staring at themselves and performing for each other and mirrors and being bemused and elated by the weirdness that is sex, commodifying it for the movies and the viewers and the money and each other. The pornographic source makes literal vidding's--and fandom's--erotics of media manipulation. It's not fluffy. But it is stunning.

[x] thingswithwings: Best vids of 2008 - MEME TIME: Does Cameron Dream of Electric Sheep? by kiki_miserychic: easily my favourite SCC vid, for the sheer strangeness of it - like "Sons and Daughters," heyiya's BSG vid, it attempts to capture humanity and technology from the perspective of the robot - in this case, it's the world from the POV of Cameron. The vidder said that she tried to capture the way that a Termintor's brain organizes information by category, and watching it with that in mind, I'm really amazed by the way that she has information cross-referencing itself, and exceeding categories, and completely interrupted by the dancing interlude, which is a moment of pure interiority in this vid. It's gorgeous - particularly those time-cuts that turn ballet into something stiffer, less graceful, more machine-like.

[x] eruthros: Top Five Vids of 2008 ... so far: kiki_miserychic's Sarah Conner Chronicles vid Does Cameron Dream of Electric Sheep?I only just started watching T:SCC a while ago, so this is a lot newer to me than it probably is to some of y'all. Cameron, and humanity, and robots. The effects are really well-used here, I think; she plays with overlays and speed changes in interesting ways, to (for example) make the dance instructor more robotic.

[x] Useless Talent #46 - Vid rec: I Want You (She's So Heavy): I'm a bit overwhelmed with the influx of VVC vids, but this! I want to marry it and have its little zombie stripper babies. kiki_miserychic's I Want You (She's So Heavy). Supernatural, Planet Terror, other zombieness. There's awesome Sam/Dean wall-kissing. And ZOMBIE STRIPPERS!

[x] with my freeze ray i will stop the world - the force of my love was strong: your honor by kiki_miserychic (weeds). Nancy Botwin is a pizzatarian so it's a frozen pizza pie. I've never seen Weeds but this vid was SO much fun to watch that I couldn't not rec it. The song coupled with the quick cuts makes for a really funky, interesting vid.

[x] [some kind of title] - vid recs: firefly, bsg, dw/tw: All These Things That I've Done by kiki_miserychic. Tory Foster's Manifesto.

[x] boom_queen: Vid recs (and a bit of angst): kiki_miserychic posted an AMAZING S4 VID to Handlebars by Flobots back in June that I am just now bonding with. It explores how power, need and duty corrupt both humans and cylons in season 4 through some absolutely brilliant lyrical interpretations and editing.

[x] astolat: Vividcon!: kiki_miserychic's challenge vid I Want You (She's So Heavy): she mixed SPN with zombie movie footage and used some really cool distressed-footage effects to make SPN into the dark gay porn horror movie it wishes it was. Those two hit in my personal sweet spot of "yay my show" and "yay my pairing" and "wow amazing" so I am ridiculously happy.

[x] bradcpu: Non-VVC vid recs, VVCish vid thoughts, Bascon, etc.: I Want You (She's So Heavy) by kiki_miserychic (Multi). we watch this one like three straight times. Every night.

[x] rec_room_bot: Del.ici.ous links for rec_room: 2-29-2008: 'the girl or the weapon?' by kiki_miserychic. What a brilliant, nightmarish piece of vidding this is. It's got all of Kiki's gorgeous use of style, plus an amazing commentary. Highly recommended.

[x] Arduinna's Vid Recs: fandoms E - H: Stronger Forest by kiki_miserychic. The effects in this are either going to suck you in or drive you away. Me, they sucked in. The layering and jerkiness gave the impression that we were inside Sylar's head, which worked really well for me. I couldn't see/understand a lot of the visuals, but Sylar's crazy, and I don't want to understand what goes on in his head, so it's all good.

[x] cryptoxin: OH HAI!: Bootystyle by kiki_miserychic (The Cell) is a gorgeous vid for The Cell using a mashup of the original Cobrastyle with Robyn's cover.

[x] Zhailei's Fantasy-land - Vid recs (for dayln03): Handlebars by kiki_miserychic. A general season four ensemble vid, but Sharon has her own little section, so I'm happy. Quite a few season four vids came out after the mid-season finale aired, but this is by far my favourite, and is one of my favourite BSG vids.

[x] Sleep-speaker - Writing Project 2.0 & A Vid Recc because BORED.: so say we all I (Handlebars) by kiki_miserychic. Do not walk, run, for it is mighty.

[x] The Artist Formerly Known as Naraht - Vid Recs (BSG): What is it about BSG that results in it giving birth to more fantastic fanvids than any other show I've seen? Some combination of great color-saturated visuals, kinetic action, big themes, symbolism and a copious supply of interesting female characters. Not to mention talented vidders with something to say. Three really note-worthy vids have gone up in the past month or so: so say we all I (Handlebars) by kiki_miserychic.

[x] [some kind of title] - Vid Recs, Get Yer Vid Recs!: Ain't No Reason by kiki_miserychic. People walk a tightrope on a razor's edge, carrying their hurt and hatred and weapons. An achingly gorgeous look at Razor.

[x] danegen: More Joy Day: Favorite Vid Moments: Ramalama (Bang Bang) by kiki_miserychic. The smiley face on the slide.

[x] danegen: More Joy Day: Favorite Vid Moments: The Girl or the Weapon by kiki_miserychic. River dancing across the stage because she's so damn happy for such a brief moment.

[x] daybreak777: More Great Vids That Took Over My Brain: BSG: so say we all I (Handlebars) by kiki_miserychic. Dudes. This video totally rocks. Totally rocks season 4.0 BSG. I am inspired to talk more about this video more than the episode, Revelations. I know. kiki_miserychic so excels at song choice. This is another song that will stay in your head. I just want to watch it over and over again.

[x] bradcpu: Vid rec: kiki_miserychic last week served up possibly her deepest trip down the rabbit hole in the form of an insanely epic, 10-minute-long head trip/meditation on the movie White Noise 2. It's like entering some sort of fugue state.

[x] The Fourth Wall - Winners: Stronger Forest by kiki_miserychic; Achievement In Innovation, Achievement In Use of Music.

[x] you and me and the devil makes three - TSCC vid rec: Does Cameron Dream Of Electric Sheep? by kiki_miserychic. FLAIL! A really, really fantabulous look into the psyche, for want of a better word, of Cameron with some awesome cutting that could really lose the thread and never does. It's beautiful, go watch!

[x] Language is how I talk - Compilation of recs post: Vids: Holy shit, here are all the vids from the vid recs post, listed by fandom. These are not my recs - they are the responses to this post, where I asked people to pick their single favorite vid in each of their fandoms. Grey's Anatomy: I Hear the Bells by kiki_miserychic.

[x] [some kind of title]: kiki_miserychic has made a gorgeous vidlet for Life. It's an imagined opening title sequence and it just blew me away. I've only seen the pilot episode for this show, but have been meaning to watch the rest. This is just...beautiful. Go watch it.

[x] [some kind of title] - Dexter Vid Recs: Ramalama (Bang Bang) by kiki_miserychic. Perfect song choice! This has a great quirky, evil, whimsical quality. I shall call it whimsyevil. It's like she reached into my brain to make this video. The smiley face at 1:51 is pure LOVE.

[x] [some kind of title] - SGA Vid Rec: Throw It On Mev by kiki_miserychic. A Ronon vid for (4x03) "Reunion." The coloring is awesome. And so is Ronon. *g*

[x] The True Story of Matilda Sweetfuck - If you can be good you'll live forever: Ramalama (Bang Bang) by kiki_miserychic. Dexter. Throbbing and wet and bloody, with a great, unrelenting song and some really nice editing and special effects. The vidder does a splendid job of absolutely freaking me out -- but I still keep rewatching it.

[x] obsessive24: vid recs: Volcano by kiki_miserychic, The L Word. Shane experimental. Once again kiki has found the good drugs. Art-film vidding at its most unsettling.

[x] Bollywood Invasion - Vid Rec!: So. Totally. Awesome. Stronger Forest by kiki_miserychic. Sylar. Being awesome. WATCH. NOW.

[x] Space Dementia - I Shoulda Done Made Dis Post Ages Ago!: Stronger Forest by kiki_miserychic. is another VVC vid. It's a Sylar character study that's unique in style and music. I don't even watch Heroes but this video is totally impressive so the lurv must be spread.

[x] Space Dementia - Please to Look Below: Firefly: The Girl or the Weapon? by kiki_miserychic. Insanely complex layering combined with precise editing and the score from Donnie Darko makes for sheer brilliance. Oh and to make things even more intimidating, it was edited with one hand. :P

[x] cyborganize: remedial vid watching (part 1/2): kiki_miserychic, Ain't No Reason. Kendra, Cain, Gina, Kara. comments: A gently both beautiful and political meditation on Razor, which does a great job of evocatively incorporating its larger context of war and heartbreak. Hints of Cain/Kendra and Cain/Gina.

[x] obsessive24: vid recs: I Fought in a War by kiki_miserychic, Firefly/Serenity. compares and contrasts Mal and Simon, drawing out all the similarities and differences and placing them in the larger context of the Alliance and the world.

[x] The Wanderings and Ramblings - SPN Vid and Misc. Recs: God’s Gonna Cut You Down by kiki_miserychic. This John-centric vid is set to an awesome remix of Johnny Cash’s song (see title). The clips are synched nicely with the music, and grainy effects are used in key places to kick it up a notch. If you’re a John fan, you’ll enjoy this vid.

[x] obsessive24: make up! hehehe, and vid recs: The Girl or the Weapon? by kiki_miserychic. Whitney's brain is every bit as twisted as River's, so it's a perfect fit. Insane musicality and layers abound.

[x] - - - WinterEvanesce LJ - - - - Several Vids to Come..: "The Girl or the Weapon" by Kiki_miserychic - A must see video!! Beautiful overlays, music selections, clip selections and just everything is wonderful about this video. There so many things going on that it gives off this chaotic feel to it. Very cool!!!

More added:
[x] kuwdora: So You Want to Get Into Stargate Atlantis vids...: Throw It On Me by kiki_miserychic. If you've somehow missed this video, I feel sorry for you. It's hot, it's intense. There's Ronon, guns, fighting and chrome. It's unlike anything I've seen for Ronon before. It's so cool.

[x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - Insta-Vid Rec: Between the Bars (Merlin): kiki_miserychic has just posted a truly unique Merlin vid. It's visually gorgeous and I interpret it as a fascinating meta on the Arthurian legend.

[x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - More Vid Recs: Your Honor, by kiki_miserychic. Weeds. Intriguing examination of Nancy's world with a fascinating, jerky cutting style.

[x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - Two SCC Vids That Taste Great Together: Both are really beautiful, complex, brilliantly constructed vids, but I particularly recommend watching them together. They're both about Cameron, humanity, and Cameron's views of humanity, but it's fascinating to see how their conclusions differ.

I'm sure you've seen these posts before but I thought it would be fun to put it all in one place. Love you and your shiny, tasty brain.

wishes, recs, all about you

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