♠ 006 - Tired of saving souls. ♠

Mar 23, 2008 12:38

If I never see another cast on my body again, it would seriously be too soon.

[would be referring to the full arm cast on his left arm, which is broken in three places after a daring brotherly rescue]

Oh, & seeing dead people. I felt like the kid from The Sixth Sense, seeing Madison on that cliff. Leave it to Template to dangle the ghost of the ( Read more... )

plot: ghost ship, angstangstangst, inner demons, sam/casts = otp, brotherly love

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firebranded March 24 2008, 02:58:55 UTC
It probably just is, FYI.


firebranded March 24 2008, 04:34:22 UTC
[Axel's had enough; there's a sound like sparks, a whoosh of air, and suddenly a ring of fire erupts around them, caging them in]

Consider yourself lucky deep frying you isn't on my list of things to do.


zombie_pen March 24 2008, 04:36:18 UTC
[takes an involuntary step back from the flames, putting himself flush against the redhead]

Well, fuck...


firebranded March 24 2008, 04:41:24 UTC
[grins, albeit a bit savagely]

Gonna be a good boy now and not run after the imaginary person?


zombie_pen March 24 2008, 04:42:16 UTC
[turns his head, looking at Axel]

Depends. How much is it going to hurt to step through those flames?


firebranded March 24 2008, 04:47:59 UTC
A lot.

Though if you think that's my only trick you're pretty mistaken.


zombie_pen March 24 2008, 04:49:37 UTC
I must say, it's a pretty impressive trick. Didn't know you could do that.

[tugs uselessly at his arm, still wanting to chase after the ghost]


firebranded March 24 2008, 04:59:47 UTC
I'm amazing like that.

[doesn't let him go, and sighs after a moment] Look...my twin saw his mother, too. I get that you want to see her. But you can't. The dead are just that. Dead.


zombie_pen March 24 2008, 05:01:22 UTC
[looks at him with pained eyes]

But, we're the dead, aren't we? Template is the city of the dead. A sick purgatory that makes Hell seem like a sauna.


firebranded March 24 2008, 05:14:48 UTC
We're not dead. [said with a surprising amount of assurance] A lot of us are supposed to be, but this? This isn't death.

I'm a Nobody. When I "die" I'm supposed to cease to exist. Nothing but darkness and memory in here, and as soon as somebody hits me with a giant key one too many times, all of that goes poof. But here? I'm as much myself as I always was.

[shakes his head] But these things we keep seeing? They're not even ghosts. Just illusions.


zombie_pen March 24 2008, 13:38:35 UTC
[blinks then smiles weakly] Where were you when I came back around the second time? It would have been nice to hear I wasn't dead.

You're not even human? Did I know that?

[plays with the edge of his cast some more, a fine sheen of sweat from the fire's heat shining on his face]

... have you seen any of these illusions?


firebranded March 24 2008, 14:39:37 UTC
Probably doing something. I'm a busy guy. A lot of idiots to save in this city.

You might have. I forget. I've had to explain myself so many times that it's all running together.

[lets the fire abate a little, but not entirely, in case Sam feels like running off again]

Yeah. But I've got it a little easier than most around here.


zombie_pen March 24 2008, 14:48:37 UTC
No offense, but you really seem more of an anti-hero than the one who would be donning a cape & tights in a phone booth.

Why do you get it so easy? [makes a pouty face]


firebranded March 25 2008, 00:38:47 UTC
Thanks~I'll take that as a compliment.

I don't have a heart. [taps his chest] So what if I see people I know? Doesn't do a thing to me unless I want it to.


zombie_pen March 25 2008, 02:12:42 UTC
[turns sharply so he's facing him head on]

... you don't have a heart?


firebranded March 25 2008, 02:27:26 UTC
Nope. Not for eight years. Gonna be nine soon.


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