♠ 006 - Tired of saving souls. ♠

Mar 23, 2008 12:38

If I never see another cast on my body again, it would seriously be too soon.

[would be referring to the full arm cast on his left arm, which is broken in three places after a daring brotherly rescue]

Oh, & seeing dead people. I felt like the kid from The Sixth Sense, seeing Madison on that cliff. Leave it to Template to dangle the ghost of the girl I killed in front of me.

[shakes his head at the memory, blinking in surprise when he looks up]


[would be seeing Mary in her white nightgown a block down the road. She beckons for him with an outstretched arm, slim ivory fingers curling. He runs after her, even as she walks into a building that's clearly seen better days]

Please don't let this be another trick...

plot: ghost ship, angstangstangst, inner demons, sam/casts = otp, brotherly love

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