♠ 007 - Brighter now than it's ever been. ♠

Mar 27, 2008 16:14

[attaches Fay's leash to her collar, then attempts to scribble a note out for Dean who's presumably still in bed. It's definitely not his best penmanship as Fay is tugging at her leash full force, aiming for the door. The pen falls to the floor as he finishes hastily, his name looking like kid's scrawl more than anything]

Jesus, Fay, hold your horses!

[opens the door, temporarily blinded by the sun but smiling as Fay jerks at the end of her leash, already waiting in the driveway for him. Her tail's wagging a mile a minute, tongue lolling out & he can't help but laugh]

How much is Dean feeding you, anyway?

[shakes his head, setting off after her at a quick walk as running + broken arm = bad juju all around]

It's nice to see Template back to normal though. Or, you know, as normal as it gets.

Two ghosts & all I have to show for it is a broken arm. How'd everyone else make out? Other!me? Rose? Roxas? You guys all still alive, at least?

(template) sam winchester, plot: ghost ship, puppy!, sam/casts = otp, (original) rose tyler, (template) roxas

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