I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 7/?]

Feb 15, 2011 18:12

Title: I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 7/?]
Continuity: Comics!verse AU, based on post-Crisis continuity.
Rating: Very M.
This chapter-
Characters/Pairings: Timothy Drake, Jack Drake, Janet Drake, Mrs. McIlvaine; one-sided Tim/Dick, sorta.
Word Count: 1196
Summary: Tim spends his Saturday night with broken animals, thoughts of Dick, and Plans.
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batman, writey, i'll be yours, batfic, scary!timmy, fanfic

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Comments 49

realpestilence February 16 2011, 02:16:43 UTC
This is NOT what I need to be reading right before bed-time. So, naturally, I clicked on the link at mach speed when I saw it come up on my flist. \0/

Creepy!Timmy continues to be creepy. Discowing needs to graduate through his suits to the best one very quickly now, ok? lol

And Tim's parents really deserve it if he decides to start experimenting on them, next. WTF are they thinking? They know he's not right in the head (you know they know it!) and they just leave him there and skate off around the world? o.0


zolac_no_miko February 16 2011, 02:47:41 UTC
Bwaha. ...Sometimes I seriously worry for my mental health.

Haha, yeah, I'm slightly horrified at myself for writing Discowing into my story. But... it's canon! And it seems that even in an AU I'm too anal-retentive to depart from the source material when it comes to costuming. *headdesk*

Yeeeeaaaahh, Jack and Janet Drake, parents of the year! (They weren't really stellar in the canon, either.) Timmy's therapist told them he was better. And Timmy's gotten better at hiding the evidence. And the Drakes are afraid of their son, and ashamed of him, and in denial about it, and in denial about his problem... because Tim doesn't have a problem, he's just a little... socially awkward, and if they're out of the country for the most of the year, that's because of business, and has nothing to do with being scared of their son, because there's nothing to be scared of, because there's nothing wrong with him, he's totally better now. >>


realpestilence February 16 2011, 12:14:31 UTC
To be fair, Discowing was really cool at the time (the same as most of Dick's other sartorial choices). It's only in retrospect that we look on them with...er, horror.

I'm amused at Timmy's being turned on by Dick in the new costume. Dick's not a boy any more, is he, Timmy? Stuffing him back in the cute little red suit won't stop you from seeing that now-you'll just get an even better view of his legs. ;D

I wonder if he likes Dick in the original suit because it reminds him of the circus, where their ~love began? I may have to go re-read. Hmmm.


zolac_no_miko February 16 2011, 17:12:43 UTC
Yeah, that point's been made before and it's a good one. ...Doesn't stop the entertainment value in making fun of him, though ( ... )


drownedcities February 16 2011, 04:29:26 UTC
I-I kinda want to adopt AU!Timmy and give him lots of cuddles what is wrong with us Angela. ;A;


zolac_no_miko February 16 2011, 05:04:01 UTC
You having this reaction to those words up there makes me very concerned for you. ;A;

...But then, I am the one who sat on the bus today coming up with different ways to kill animals, so. I'm concerned for me, too. SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH US.


drownedcities February 16 2011, 05:05:14 UTC


drownedcities February 16 2011, 05:07:01 UTC
But seriously, this is awesome. I don't know why it took me to chapter seven to jump in and start reading, but I am excited to go back and read through the rest.

Stay awesome, bb. ♥


EEEEEEEEEEEE! T_T magusronin February 16 2011, 05:12:38 UTC

So excited when I saw this post come up.

Having a little too much fun with Dick wordplay. ;)

Seeing as x_villainous_x has been where I've been spending entirely too much time lately, though having great fun. What occurred to me was, what if Stephanie encountered Creepy!Timmy there? AAAAAHHHHHH! this is more just me asking myself, how would Stephanie react to this creepy kid who seriously needs help, considering she dated another version of him. Yeah, bet that would go over well. >_


zolac_no_miko February 16 2011, 17:36:37 UTC
Hahaha, I've made a grown man squee! My work here is done.


Heeheehee ohmigod, that would be amazing~! Yeah, I have to admit, I've been tempted to make a journal for Timmy and let him loose on dear_mun, just for the joy of terrorizing the hell out of any Batfamily I encounter. I certainly had fun terrorizing Robin and some of James' little fairytale princesses in a private rp session several months ago. ...I suppose if you wanted to, we could do a one-shot rp thread just for fun, bwaha.

Gdammit, I need to send you your Christmas and birthday presents one of these weeks, fffff


magusronin February 16 2011, 20:35:40 UTC
XD hehehe You totally should unleash him on dear_mun, that would be awesome. And if I didn't already have way way too many RP irons in the fire, I'd totally take you up on that offer. Maybe things will quiet down in a couple weeks.

No worries about it, that makes two of us. XD Maybe I'll just have to come down for a visit sometime.


zolac_no_miko February 17 2011, 05:36:42 UTC
SOMEDAY. WHEN I'M REALLY BORED. Someday, he and/or The Stig will rock Dear Mun's world.

Cool, haha, I kinda figured you've been busy with Villainous. Just a thought for when things die down and you get bored, could be fun. ^_^


harechan February 16 2011, 05:46:32 UTC

Ahhhh! I'll have a better, more coherent comment for you tomorrow.


zolac_no_miko February 16 2011, 17:57:15 UTC
Hey, don't blame me, I gave everyone fair warning!

...Bwaha. I hope you dreamed of happy Timmys and dead puppies~! >:D

Hey. Hey you. Were you my secret Valentine? *eyes you suspiciously*


harechan February 17 2011, 06:44:48 UTC
I just couldn't help myself! D:

Your creepy!Timmy once again creeps me the eff out and makes my skin crawl a little. I think you're doing wonderfully on this. No dreams but....My cat does this thing when he sleeps really deeply and his breathing evens out and then I have to do LiveKittyChecks to make sure he is breathing... I may have done a few extra ones last night much to his annoyance.

I think how you characterized Janet and Jack are perfect for the situation and who they are. From the experiences I've had with one of my relatives (and those directly affected by that situation), many people would rather turn a blind eye to that vibe of off-ness or their relative's known "craziness" and pretend that everything is just a-okay, peaches and cream, than deal with what they know is wrong with the person. Because if we just ignore the problem, it'll go away and it won't be an embarrassment to us! :D

Also. Fish tank. I worry about the fish tank. But I guess kudos to them for noticing it?

I was not but how nice that you got ( ... )


zolac_no_miko February 17 2011, 12:54:27 UTC
Hee~! ...Haha, oh good, I'm glad Timmy did not break into your home late in the night and murder your kitty. That would've been very sad. (He might've broken in, though. He would come into your room in the darkness and stand over your bed and just look at you....)

Oh good! I'm glad that rings true for you. I feel like it's a fairly common response to uncomfortable or scary situations. People are very good with the denial thing.

Fish tank~? What fish tank~? *whistles innocently* ...Timmy's parents gave him a credit card so he can buy whatever he wants. Because that's another crappy rich parent tactic I'm familiar with. Problem? Throw money at it! They don't really care what he buys, but it does show up on their bill, so they notice. That scene was kind of a recent addition... it occurred to me as funny. Casual attempt to start a conversation with their son? EPIC FAIL.

Damn, I'm two for two! ...I have other suspicions but I think at this point I should stop guessing and let it be a happy mystery. ^_^;; I hope you ( ... )


sinisterf February 16 2011, 09:14:13 UTC
Yikes. This Timmy is definitely creepy as all hell. I'm starting to feel frightened for Bruce.... if he doesn't play along what will Scary!Tim do? Ep!


zolac_no_miko February 16 2011, 18:07:31 UTC

Timmy may be a bit... vexed with Bruce at the moment, but he does have great respect for him as a person, and he certainly has great respect for his skill. Even Timmy would think twice before tangling with the Batman. ...Whether he will think twice and then tangle with him anyway, well... who can say? *whistles innocently*


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