I am too tired to think of a clever subject line.

Dec 09, 2009 21:52

Soooooooo, I'm out of a job again. As predicted.

...Which means I can sleep as long as I want to tomorrow morning! Which will hopefully still be a reasonable hour. I'm going to sleep early by my standards. SO TIRED. But still no regrets. Metric concert is totally worth going to work on only four hours' rest.

EDIT: I just slept for 11 hours ( Read more... )

sleep, concert, music, job, living in the land of port, metric

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Comments 23

drownedcities December 10 2009, 06:00:14 UTC
Aw, hon. D:

Well. If anything, you can come over here and hang out? I'm going to make Mexican lasagna soon, but since nobody really does sit down group meals, if you came over for that, I could foist stuff off on someone immediately.


zolac_no_miko December 10 2009, 19:05:00 UTC
What, like, today? My primary goal for today is doing some covert Christmas shopping, since there are things I need to get when no one else is around. *shifty eyes* And Dar and I are theoretically going to the gym tonight, for the first time in about ten years... ohmigod I need the exercise so bad! ...So I guess it depends on when you're making it? I'll probably be pretty busy... sounds delicious though!


drownedcities December 11 2009, 04:03:02 UTC
Not today, no. It's going to be on a day I have off because I do fuck all the days I have work. :D


zolac_no_miko December 11 2009, 04:30:20 UTC
Ah, alright. Well then, cool, lemme know when it's happening and I will gladly partake!


shichahn December 10 2009, 06:17:32 UTC
Aw. Well, like you said, as predicted. Hopefully something else will turn up soon.

In the meantime, want to go see The Road sometime this week/weekend? I have work tomorrow from noon to 5pm, but maybe we could go Friday, or this weekend sometime. The only place it's playing is the Fox tower right now.


zolac_no_miko December 10 2009, 19:10:56 UTC
The problem is, in two weeks I'm getting on a plane and going to Hawaii, and I'm not coming back from that for two weeks. ...So it's kind of an awkward time to get a job, unless I can manage to get another one-week assignment. : \ ...In the meantime, I do need money. I'm gonna try applying for unemployment, and just not look very hard for jobs for the rest of the month. ^_^;;

Yuss! Early Thursday evening and early Friday evening I am planning to be in the gym getting exercise ohmigod, but other than that I don't have any real solid plans, so we could pretty much just pick a time and I'll plan around it.


shichahn December 10 2009, 19:21:49 UTC
Yeah, that does make it tough. Well, try unemployment, yeah. Here's the benefits calculator, if that helps.

Sweet! I say we go for a matinee price, just because we can. And then maybe I can do some Christmas shopping downtown beforehand, too. Maybe the 2:50 pm showing?


zolac_no_miko December 10 2009, 19:43:37 UTC

What, like on Saturday or something?


magusronin December 10 2009, 09:35:34 UTC
Kind of lame, you got five days of work out of it and two of those were while I was in town. :(
Oh well, hopefully you'll find something better soon, and I'll have better timing next time I drop by for a visit.


zolac_no_miko December 10 2009, 19:11:38 UTC
I know, right? Fail timing is fail.


regonym December 11 2009, 07:58:11 UTC
Boooo, I'm sorry to hear that. Corporate teases. But yay for sleep?

At least this means I shall be able to shamelessly distract you when Becca and I tromp through the snow to Portland on Tuesday. \o/?


zolac_no_miko December 11 2009, 08:03:36 UTC
Meh, I knew on the first day it would be a short assignment. 'S why I didn't bother asking for time off for Christmas.

Becca just told me about that! I'm excited! Excited and pleased!


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