Where I've been, and where I hope to go

Oct 18, 2015 22:02

Well, holy shit, I haven't posted here since July ( Read more... )

pimpage, island life, epic adventuring

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Comments 7

burned_phoenix October 20 2015, 09:42:47 UTC
That sounds like you had a few great adventures! :) I LOVE to hear about the trips you take, wish I could just come back and do it again. Looking out the window at grey rainy weather and concrete isn't the same as hiking through Hawaiian nature, that's for sure :D

Have fun with the mini wrimo! I would give it a show, but I won't be around for most of November, so I'm pushing it to next year :)

Job hunting sucks, I agree. I was never really good at it :D But I like your plan of looking for some part time work so you'll have enough time for everything else. If you'll be okay with less money than a full time job would give you, why do anything different? (doing the same over here)

Have a good week, hon!! *hugs* It's good to see you! :)


zolac_no_miko October 21 2015, 21:59:39 UTC
Nature is the bessssssst. The Pololū outing and yesterday's fieldwork in the native forest were exactly what my soul has been needing. Hopefully you can visit again someday... I'll certainly let you know whenever it is I finally make it to Germany!

Yeah, I'm living pretty cheaply (still at home with Mom) so I think I can afford it. If I get a full-time job I'll never ever ever finish my thesis, so.

Thanks, you too! *hugs*


burned_phoenix October 22 2015, 08:06:06 UTC
I do hope so, and if you're even in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium or GB, you let me know!!! :D

You will find something that will work for your :) *hugs*


mithen October 21 2015, 11:34:08 UTC
So those are the highlights. Mostly I've been very bored. I don't have classes anymore, and I do poorly with large stretches of unstructured time. Boredom, depression, loss of efficiency, loss of energy, loss of creativity.

I hear you with that. I always look forward to summer breaks and then I quickly discover that without the prod of a regular schedule I tend to just...drift. It's very frustrating.

I hear you about the lack of community as well. I'm cobbling things together by combining AO3 and Tumblr, but it's not at all the same. Actually, and oddly, my biggest source of fannish community right now is on Fail Fandom Anon which is an anonmeme. It's one of the only places I know where conversations happen at all, even if I don't always like the anonymous style. I don't often take place, but I track threads and watch conversations unfold and chime in now and then, and it...helps, a bit? But it's not good for a sense of rooted interactions with the same people.


zolac_no_miko October 21 2015, 22:05:49 UTC
Thanks for the rec! I've never been huge into anonmemes and yeah, not really a place to create friendships, but if the steps I'm already taking don't do enough for me, maybe I'll check it out. Conversations are nice, I miss conversations.

An encouraging thing is that a bunch of people came back from Wincon going, "I MISS LJ, LET'S DO LJ AGAIN," so maybe that'll re-energize a few things. A couple of my friends posted recently that I haven't seen on LJ in a long time.


hardboiledbaby October 24 2015, 20:25:59 UTC
LJ is quiet, but not quite dead yet :) I may be riding a flagging horse, but I'm most comfortable here, so here I stay. Yay for mini_wrimo! Although part of me is *points to icon* :D

Good luck on the job hunt! Got my fingers crossed for you.


zolac_no_miko October 26 2015, 19:35:08 UTC
That's kind of how I feel. I resist change; I get comfortable and don't want to leave (Facebook is the only place I left in disgust). I'm a slow adopter of new things. A lot of people went to Dreamwidth and I resisted. I resisted Tumblr. I resisted Twitter (but now I'm an addict). The places where people do RP has changed (from LJ with conversations and logs on AIM to DW with conversations on plurk), so now that I'm RPing again I'll probably get a plurk. But having an RP account on LJ is what led to me having a personal account here, so I won't be terribly surprised if that happens on DW ( ... )


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