Where I've been, and where I hope to go

Oct 18, 2015 22:02

Well, holy shit, I haven't posted here since July.

Things have been happening. I went to Colorado for a family reunion and Rocky Mountain hiking in July, Iowa for a friend's wedding in September, presented at and attended the Hawaii Conservation Conference in August, and presented my thesis proposal to my thesis committee in September.

Yesterday I had a lovely day's outing with Forrest and ten of our friends to Pololū Valley; we got thoroughly muddy, sweaty, and mosquito-bitten hiking through a jungle for several hours, but then we got to swim under a waterfall and pick ‘ulu from the trees to cook in a fire and stuff our faces with. On the hike back we swung like Tarzan across a small gully using the viney aerial roots of a banyan tree and snacked on sprouted coconut. Later we visited Forrest's favorite coconut tree and he cut us down some fat young coconuts, and I drank the largest, sweetest coconut ever before eating the spoon-meat. It was an AWESOME day.

On the way back, the rear window of the car I was in abruptly shattered, showering me with tempered glass, but that's neither here nor there. (No one was hurt.)

So those are the highlights. Mostly I've been very bored. I don't have classes anymore, and I do poorly with large stretches of unstructured time. Boredom, depression, loss of efficiency, loss of energy, loss of creativity. Part of why I haven't had much to say here. Been feeling a little lonely, too. Miss the strong feeling of community I've had online in the past.

I'm working on addressing these things. I'm trying to make an effort to reach out to friends, start conversations, hang out as best we can when we're thousands of miles apart. And in a blast to the past, I'm planning to apply to an online fandom RP called Snowblind. RP has been a good source of community and creativity for me in the past; it's also been a distraction, but honestly I'm at peak inefficiency already so I can only go up from here. My other source of community historically was LJ comms, but all my comms have pretty much shriveled up and died. Anybody know any good ones that might be in line with my interests?

I am looking forward to mini_wrimo. It didn't make me any friends last year, but it was great for my writing. Y'all should join us! All the accomplishment feels of NaNoWriMo for the low, low price of a 100 word daily minimum. Look, a banner!

mini_wrimo on LiveJournal      ||    
mini_wrimo on Dreamwidth

I'm also job searching, uggggggggggghhh. (Very few things are more distasteful to me than the entire process of searching for jobs, applying, interviewing-if you get that far-waiting around to hear stuff, etc. Someone just give me work, plzkthx.) Looking for part-time work so I can have the moneys and a change of pace while also working on my thesis. I am making about $55-$70 a week teaching dance, which is not bad for a hobby, but I'll need a bit more if I don't want to drain my accounts. Wish me luck.

Those of you who post, I do see your posts; I'm still an unstoppable lurker. To all of you and to those of you I haven't heard from in a while-I think of you, and hope you are well.


pimpage, island life, epic adventuring

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