These things are necessary for all of our lives

May 14, 2012 13:10

Does anyone remember this meme going around several months ago, "My fandom is really good at what I do" or "My fandom is really good at my job", or something of the sort? And everyone wrote AU fic where the characters of [FANDOM OF CHOICE] did whatever it is the author's real-life job is, and the point was to just dive right in and do as little ' ( Read more... )

spam, the avengers, i love my awesome friends, geekery, fanfic, youtube, unf, xmfc, writey, video, music, recs

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Comments 24

evilhippo May 14 2012, 23:26:18 UTC
Ah man, I wish either of my jobs were interesting enough for that meme. (Also, I need a fandom that isn't a bike shop whose proprietor is no longer mostly a product of my own imagination.) BUT ANYWAY!

That Shia LaBoeuf song is just amazing. I don't know why it exists, but it is amazing. I should probably not sing it out loud too much at work, though. (The rest of those things I will need to listen to later, since I'm sitting outside in a heavily-populated area just barely maintaining an aura of respectability.)


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 02:40:14 UTC
Eh, it's not always as much about the job as it is about bosses and coworkers. And I remember enough of your job-related posts being fucked up to the point of surrealism that I think you'd have pretty good material... you just need to think of a character with enough AUGH FML to be entertaining in that environment.

IT EXISTS BECAUSE ROB CANTOR IS A GENIUS, AND ONE DAY HE WOKE UP AND SAID, WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS LOVE, SWEET LOVE A SONG ABOUT CANNIBAL SHIA LABEOUF, I AM GOING TO DO THE WORLD A SOLID AND MAKE THIS SONG RIGHT NOW. It's just... so perfect, Shia is exactly the right kind of obnoxious to make this song work. ...It's really weird though, I've been playing this song around my housemates and my mom, and no one reacts. It's really confusing, I'm like... do I need to play the song again? Do I need to play it louder? HOW CAN YOU BE BLANDLY AMBIVALENT ABOUT THIS?!


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 02:46:50 UTC
P.S. Respectability is SO OVERRATED.


evilhippo May 15 2012, 03:46:25 UTC
I'm not sure why I'm so concerned with seeming respectable. It's probably because I know, deep down, that respectability is just one of those traits I'm never going to possess in spades, and so I cling too hard to the few shreds of dignity that I do have (I am currently recovering from having to sit around Old Town in spandex shorts waiting for my bike to get fixed).


imkalena May 14 2012, 23:36:52 UTC
0.0 WOW THAT GUY. I wouldn't have believed that voice would come out of his mouth, especially after hearing him speak.


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 02:41:46 UTC


drownedcities May 15 2012, 00:36:39 UTC
Shia Labeouf should have been an option in Cabin in the Woods.

Joss Whedon.

Get on this.


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 02:43:30 UTC

Bb, you are a genius. ♥


greeneyes_fan May 15 2012, 03:43:00 UTC
I had a lot of fun with the "Damn, your fandom is good at what you do" meme. Much crackfic was written. Doing it again is a plan I approve of!


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 04:31:10 UTC
Ooh, yay, I was hoping someone would know wtf I was talking about! Any chance you could link me to the original meme? (I'm remembering there was a community for it, right? Or am I hallucinating?)


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 04:53:43 UTC
RIGHT. Well of course it was leupagus, no wonder I was confused... her LJ practically is a fandom community. XD

...Well, this should be interesting, I definitely don't have the legions of Friends she does, and I've never tried to host any sort of fandom party before... on the other hand I've got friends in a few different fandoms from hers, so maybe I can get some exposure with people who missed it the first time around, and maybe I can get some help from people spreading the word. ...Guess I'll probably want to ask leupagus' permission first.

Hmm, well, something to think about. I'm probably going to have to wait until early June, when I'm back from my expedition, but I think this could be really fun!


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