These things are necessary for all of our lives

May 14, 2012 13:10

Does anyone remember this meme going around several months ago, "My fandom is really good at what I do" or "My fandom is really good at my job", or something of the sort? And everyone wrote AU fic where the characters of [FANDOM OF CHOICE] did whatever it is the author's real-life job is, and the point was to just dive right in and do as little ' ( Read more... )

spam, the avengers, i love my awesome friends, geekery, fanfic, youtube, unf, xmfc, writey, video, music, recs

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evilhippo May 14 2012, 23:26:18 UTC
Ah man, I wish either of my jobs were interesting enough for that meme. (Also, I need a fandom that isn't a bike shop whose proprietor is no longer mostly a product of my own imagination.) BUT ANYWAY!

That Shia LaBoeuf song is just amazing. I don't know why it exists, but it is amazing. I should probably not sing it out loud too much at work, though. (The rest of those things I will need to listen to later, since I'm sitting outside in a heavily-populated area just barely maintaining an aura of respectability.)


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 02:40:14 UTC
Eh, it's not always as much about the job as it is about bosses and coworkers. And I remember enough of your job-related posts being fucked up to the point of surrealism that I think you'd have pretty good material... you just need to think of a character with enough AUGH FML to be entertaining in that environment.

IT EXISTS BECAUSE ROB CANTOR IS A GENIUS, AND ONE DAY HE WOKE UP AND SAID, WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS LOVE, SWEET LOVE A SONG ABOUT CANNIBAL SHIA LABEOUF, I AM GOING TO DO THE WORLD A SOLID AND MAKE THIS SONG RIGHT NOW. It's just... so perfect, Shia is exactly the right kind of obnoxious to make this song work. ...It's really weird though, I've been playing this song around my housemates and my mom, and no one reacts. It's really confusing, I'm like... do I need to play the song again? Do I need to play it louder? HOW CAN YOU BE BLANDLY AMBIVALENT ABOUT THIS?!


zolac_no_miko May 15 2012, 02:46:50 UTC
P.S. Respectability is SO OVERRATED.


evilhippo May 15 2012, 03:46:25 UTC
I'm not sure why I'm so concerned with seeming respectable. It's probably because I know, deep down, that respectability is just one of those traits I'm never going to possess in spades, and so I cling too hard to the few shreds of dignity that I do have (I am currently recovering from having to sit around Old Town in spandex shorts waiting for my bike to get fixed).


zolac_no_miko May 17 2012, 01:22:46 UTC
...Honestly, I shouldn't give you heat about it, I too spend a great deal of time pretending to be... well maybe not respectable, but less weird than I actually am. I don't pretend to be something I'm not, but I keep a lot of stuff under wraps around Normies. I figure I'm just being polite, not inflicting my weirdness on them unasked. ^_^;;

But respectable? Pfff, I will go to the store with wet hair and bleach-stained baggy sweatpants if I want, NO ONE CAN STOP ME.


evilhippo May 17 2012, 02:01:17 UTC
Oh gosh... I have a hard time being out in athletic clothes, let alone anything bleach-stained and baggy. I think my mom did that to me... she's very fastidious when it comes to "looking presentable."

On the other hand, I used to be very good at inflicting my weirdness on others. I kind of miss that. College sort of ruined that for me, oddly enough (stupid first-year dorm had more back-stabbing people than high school ever did, wtf).


evilhippo May 15 2012, 03:44:09 UTC
Blagh, but then I'd have to focus on my absurd bosses and coworkers. And it'd end up being a story of which boss could have the most blatant affair (totally going on now. One pair is making smoothies. The other fights over cake icing. Both deny there is anything going on, but mock the other pair endlessly and complain about their public displays). I think it's best for me not to relive such things until I'm far, far away from them.

Dar and I just keep quoting it at each other. I'm not sure what I'd do if I met someone who was ambivalent about it. I wonder if it's the speak-singing? That seems to cause some people to just automatically stop paying attention (fortunately, it's one of the things that kind of automatically makes me like a song, or at least express interest). ^_^


zolac_no_miko May 17 2012, 01:18:34 UTC
Good news! I looked up the original fest, and it doesn't have to be a job/work thing, it could be a hobby or a sport or an extra-curricular activity, just any piece of your life, a little world that you happen to know a lot about that maybe other people don't, gardening or quilting or leading a Girl Scout troop. ...So you could... write about stalking a bicycle shop! XD Or DI or something. ...YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO, CARRIE. Once I get permission from the host of the original fest, and come back from my expedition to the jungle (so, like, June), I am totally going to try and do this thing, YOU SHOULD DO IT TOO ( ... )


evilhippo May 17 2012, 02:10:58 UTC
Bwahahaha. I will definitely join in whenever you get a chance to set this up, then. I'm not sure what fandom I would choose, but the world does need more Ninja Detective Bikeshop (and maybe by June I'll have found a way to apprentice myself there (-; ). I think I'd have a hard time not making it a really cracky Naruto fic, though, because of the fixation the shop has on the color orange... and on being a ninja. But... no, actually that's probably entirely appropriate, in its own special way. (I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that I spent actual time this afternoon thinking about this. A non-crossover version of Ninja Detective Bikeshop is probably going to end up being my tongue-in-cheek script pitch in LA I'm justifying this as un-creepy because I've done a pretty decent job of getting the actual shopkeep separated from his internet alter-ego in my mindOr, alternately, there's always the Hulk Destroys a Bike Shop for Improperly Installing Brake Pads option (which I'm rather fond of at the moment, since I know I don't have the ( ... )


zolac_no_miko May 17 2012, 02:23:52 UTC

Both of these sound like fantastic ideas! ESPECIALLY HULK DESTROYS BIKE SHOP, OMG, I JUST LAUGHED EMBARRASSINGLY LOUDLY FOR AN EMBARRASSING LENGTH OF TIME. Bike shop Avengers, omg yes! Tony can design bikes. STARKCYCLE! And you can give Loki the hipster fixie he so badly wants/needs/deserves!


evilhippo May 17 2012, 02:46:45 UTC
Do not encourage me on Bike Shop Avengers (yet)! I'm already spending far too much time staring out of windows and laughing to myself. I could definitely see Tony sitting around designing something like this, only blingier, while Steve biked around on an old Masi and sort of angsted about completely missing cycling's heyday, or at least Eddy Merckx's. Meanwhile, all their enemies would be trolling around on these. (I will have to make sure I'm allowed to co-opt Hipster Loki before I can include him. ^_^)

I might just write Hulk Destroys Bike Shop now. Or on Friday, after I fail to destroy the bike shop myself.


zolac_no_miko May 17 2012, 02:55:29 UTC
Ohmigod yeeeeeeeeeesssss~! See, there we go, THIS IS PERFECT, Bike Shop Nerd Avengers, IT WILL BE AMAZING.

Haha staring into space and giggling is basically my Writing Process. Is it so fucking ridiculous I can't contain myself? Yes? QUICK WRITE IT DOWN.



evilhippo May 17 2012, 03:33:23 UTC
It's good that this isn't happening immediately, though, since that paragraph exhausted most of my bike-nerd knowledge at this point. (-;

I'm pretty sure that is the best writing process. I wish it worked for things other than what I write for the express purpose of amusing myself (and sometimes others).


zolac_no_miko May 17 2012, 03:51:39 UTC
Well you've got two weeks to brush up. SNAP TO IT.

See, I guess that's the thing about fanfiction that makes it so addicting; that's all it has to be. Amuses Self Plus Maybe A Few Others: Check! SUCCESS. It doesn't even have to make money or anything!

Clearly, though, you need to manage to get yourself a writing gig where ridiculousness is encouraged. Because you're right, I can't imagine the Does It Make Me Giggle? writing process working very well with your current job. ^_^;;


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