
Apr 23, 2012 08:10

So I woke up this morning and drove Shawn over to meet Jackie at the office, and he is deeply, deeply hungover, I mean, okay, Nene Dave is leaving today, he was helping to give him a good send-off, that's valid I suppose. But then he makes this comment about drinking because "he hates it here, he hates it here so much". You know, like just as we' ( Read more... )

argh, wtf, job

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Comments 16

b_c_draygon April 23 2012, 20:37:59 UTC

That is awkward. I mean, even if hungover, he could at least have kept that to himself. OK, sometimes you need to get what you're feeling out there - but if he hates it so much, why is he doing it? :/ People are weird.

"You're in a bleeding tropical paradise here. Go in to Hilo, catch a movie or see a museum or go to a music festival." -- That was my first thought. If I got the opportunity to be where you are, doing what you're doing - I would not waste it. Even if I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would (and since I am pretty much dependent on internet access, I would not fare well being without it), I would make the most of it because I'd know there are people who would do anything for the opportunity to be there ( ... )


zolac_no_miko April 27 2012, 02:59:29 UTC
I... yeah. Basically, THIS.

AHAHAHAHAHA, omg, Alice, that amazing! Thanks for sharing that with me, that's perfect. XD


b_c_draygon April 29 2012, 11:05:05 UTC
Haha, I'm glad you liked it! I thought you would. ;)


shichahn April 24 2012, 00:34:41 UTC
YES THEY SHOULD HIRE SUSAN. Except I'm pretty sure she's supposed to come back to Oregon for the summer. That may have changed.

But seriously, bored, while living at Volcano? I do not understand. Not one bit. That is terrible. :(


zolac_no_miko April 27 2012, 03:05:05 UTC
Yeah, well, Shawn's only supposed to stick around until mid-June anyway, she could totally fill that niche.

Yeah, see, you would be hiking/birding constantly, finding a way to explore the island, and then buying all the weirdo food at the farmer's market and cooking it. ...This is why we are friends.


shichahn April 29 2012, 21:18:18 UTC
Except Susan is leaving tomorrow, she says. Back to Oregon for her, indeed! Oh well.

Yes. Yes it is. Also, this.


zolac_no_miko April 30 2012, 02:33:38 UTC
I knoooooow, so sad! I chatted with her a bit yesterday. Everyone's leaving right now, it's terrible, I had to drop my Canadian Compadre Caitlin off at the airport yesterday, and Nene Dave left last week too, ALL THE COOL PEOPLE ARE LEAVING, totally lame.

as;ldhglka;hsfljs YES. YES THIS IS EXACTLY WHY WE ARE FRIENDS. Also hahaha omg Top Comment wins. XD


drownedcities April 24 2012, 03:39:20 UTC
Push him into the volcano. Problem solved. :D


zolac_no_miko April 27 2012, 03:06:10 UTC
Hahahaha bb I love you~. ♥


look_alive April 25 2012, 04:58:44 UTC
So while I totally get the, uh. Limited modes of entertainment available, especially to someone without a car in that part of the world (I like how you mention "museums", there. That was cute.), I have to wonder why he'd go there in that line of work AT ALL if he's not interested in the whole hikey, outdoorsey thing. Like, seriously. Those of us who'd nosedive off Southpoint without a decent music scene just make a point of NOT LIVING SOMEWHERE THERE ISN'T ONE. For example.

Homeboy has some seriously excellent timing. :|


zolac_no_miko April 27 2012, 03:13:30 UTC
Oh shush you. THERE ARE MANY FINE MUSEUMS/HISTORICAL SITES AVAILABLE, certainly enough to fill the needs of someone who's only here for a few months anyway. Assuming that someone like museums. ...I LIKE MUSEUMS.

Yeah, I'm kind of... baffled by him. He's done a bunch of these kinds of jobs, although I've gathered he prefers mammals to birds. And yet he... doesn't really seem to enjoy nature...? I don't really know how that works.



look_alive April 27 2012, 03:29:15 UTC
Yeah yeah. I'll give you historical sites, but I don't remember too many museums that would take most people anything more than half an hour, tops. I LIKE MUSEUMS, TOO. COME TO CHICAGO AND GO TO THE FIELD MUSEUM WITH ME! :D? :D?

Kinda like Dan. Had no interest in behavioral health, AND YET had been working for TFS in various states of lethargic disgruntlement for five years. Greeeeat life choices.

Here, retrospective cheer-up?


zolac_no_miko April 27 2012, 20:01:53 UTC
Pffff, they would too take more than half an hour. I grant that you would, however, actually be able to see the entire museum in one visit, unlike your fancy big-city museums. I WOULD LOVE TO COME VISIT YOU IN CHICAGO. A LOT. I'LL GET BACK TO YOU WHEN I HAVE MONEY. T_T

Yeah I don't understand people like that. Is it really actually impossible to find a different job?


Duuuuude my friends in other countries are already babbling about Avengers, how do ten countries already have Avengers and we still have to wait a whole week, HOW IS THIS FAIR. DD:


boko April 25 2012, 23:56:02 UTC
He probably wishes he were a city kid. All them fast lights and loud noises. That or he doesn't realize what he's blessed with.


zolac_no_miko April 27 2012, 03:16:01 UTC
I just don't understaaaaaaaand. I mean, okay, this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but... if you didn't want to live in a rainforest, then WHY DID YOU COME LIVE IN A RAINFOREST.


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