
Apr 23, 2012 08:10

So I woke up this morning and drove Shawn over to meet Jackie at the office, and he is deeply, deeply hungover, I mean, okay, Nene Dave is leaving today, he was helping to give him a good send-off, that's valid I suppose. But then he makes this comment about drinking because "he hates it here, he hates it here so much". You know, like just as we' ( Read more... )

argh, wtf, job

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b_c_draygon April 23 2012, 20:37:59 UTC

That is awkward. I mean, even if hungover, he could at least have kept that to himself. OK, sometimes you need to get what you're feeling out there - but if he hates it so much, why is he doing it? :/ People are weird.

"You're in a bleeding tropical paradise here. Go in to Hilo, catch a movie or see a museum or go to a music festival." -- That was my first thought. If I got the opportunity to be where you are, doing what you're doing - I would not waste it. Even if I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would (and since I am pretty much dependent on internet access, I would not fare well being without it), I would make the most of it because I'd know there are people who would do anything for the opportunity to be there.

It's like my job right now (because I have a job now, hoorah, at last!). I do not love it. It is, at best, OK. But I know that people would kill to be sitting in my chair, doing my boring (and at times supremely difficult because people are asses) job. So I do it to the best of my ability, and I make the best of it because it is not as bad as I make it out to be, and I don't bitch about it to my coworkers. I bitch about it at home sometimes, but ... not at work. It looks terrible, and it's basically asking to be fired/asked to leave, in my opinion. :/

I hope he cheers up and stops being moody. Moody people are probably the most difficult to get along with. :( *hugs*

Maybe this will cheer you up. I saw it and thought of you:


zolac_no_miko April 27 2012, 02:59:29 UTC
I... yeah. Basically, THIS.

AHAHAHAHAHA, omg, Alice, that amazing! Thanks for sharing that with me, that's perfect. XD


b_c_draygon April 29 2012, 11:05:05 UTC
Haha, I'm glad you liked it! I thought you would. ;)


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