Christmas with the family and a love letter to Matt Smith's face.

Dec 28, 2011 11:55

I'm back! Sort of. It's definitely going to be a busy few days of holiday shenanigans with friends and family, but I'll at least occasionally be checking in ( Read more... )

warm fuzzies, food, family, christmas, island life, flailflailflail, fangirling, holiday, matt smith's faaaaaace~!, television, doctor who, matt smith ilu kind of a lot

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Comments 2

ava_jamison December 29 2011, 02:32:15 UTC
Merry Christmas, Zolac! I'm glad you had a good time! Let me know if you read Never Let Me Go and want to talk about it. I read it recently and would love to talk about it.


zolac_no_miko January 8 2012, 19:59:17 UTC
Merry Christmas! ♥ Yeah, I'll let you know... heh, it might be a while, what with writing and the internet and life I get through books so slowly these days. I've got so much backlog. T_T My life is so hard.


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