(oo2) (video) ♐ lord i've gotta keep moving where i can't be found

Jul 26, 2011 18:51

Damn, you don't think they coulda put on the brochure how uptight the docs around here can be? I'm itching to get discharged and I've only been here, what, a week? I'm a big girl, tie my own shoes and everything. So, just show me who I've gotta talk to so I can get discharged, and I'm out ( Read more... )

faith lehane

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[video] idolstolemylook July 27 2011, 06:50:39 UTC
Slayer, the Sequel. Good to see you up and about. Or, well, about, anyway.

[Spike's smirking, but it's more than a little a smile. He's only recently parted ways with her, in his mind. And he is glad to see her again. Have some things in common, they do.]


[video] watcherless July 27 2011, 06:55:58 UTC
Up's still kinda a work in progress, but I'm gettin' there. [ She shrugs, not looking too concerned. After all, the fact that she's alive after going through an orpheus trip is ... well, pretty freaking impressive. She was expecting it to be curtains. She stretches her arms above her head and then gets more comfortable in her hospital bed. ]

Didn't realize I was all kinds of famous here already. Usually when people start throwing that word around, they stop caring after B comes up. [ A slow smile starts to form on her face, wiley like she's laughing at her own private joke. ] Then again, I, uh, guess I left kind of an impression last time.


[video] idolstolemylook July 27 2011, 06:59:57 UTC
Don't know about famous. Shared a moment or two, we did, back...

[He tilts his head.]

Hang on. Last time. [He nods.] Would you be referring to a certain incident at the Bronze?


[video] watcherless July 27 2011, 07:12:22 UTC
So, you do remember. [ She looks amused. ] 'Course, I was wearing a different outfit around the,n but -- [ She stops short, dropping her arms back to her sides and sitting up more. ] Hold on, back up just a sec. A moment or two? [ Her eyebrows arch up into her forehead. ] Beginning to think you got the wrong superchick. I'm not "moments" [ she holds up her fingers to make air quotes, patronizing ] with vamps girl.


[video] idolstolemylook August 1 2011, 17:01:25 UTC
[Spike smiles, his head ducking for a moment, just... amused at the places they've been, and were going.]

Right, right. Sorry. Must've mistaken you for someone else. Wouldn't worry about it, bad girl.


[video] watcherless August 1 2011, 20:26:40 UTC
[ There's a tenseness in her look. ]

Don't call me that. I mean, hell, compared to you, I gotta be hitting sainthood pretty soon. Then again, not really a competition, huh? Soulless monster, Slayer. [ She gestures to indicate which is which. ] In fact, I'm feeling up and at 'em again. How about you swing on by and we see who's really bad? [ Faith, you dumbass. ]


[video] idolstolemylook August 1 2011, 20:59:05 UTC
[A slow smile creeps across Spike's face. Ensouled he might be, he's still an asshole. And knowing he's fought the good fight and saved the world while she doesn't is worth it.]

That so, Slayer? Maybe I will. Looks like you've got a little place for me to start, all ready there.


[video] watcherless August 1 2011, 21:03:35 UTC
Wouldn't be smiling if I was you. Way I'm seeing it, you've got one chip-shaped handicap. [ She reaches up to touch the bandages on her neck, shrugging. ] But, hey, if you think it's gonna let you go for it, by all means. [ She peels the tape away to show the two puncture wounds. ] Tap a vein. I'd be more than happy to dish the ass-kicking you deserve.


[video] idolstolemylook August 1 2011, 21:05:15 UTC
Who knows? I might enjoy it. Maybe you would, too.

[He tilts his head, smirking.]

What would you say if I told you the chip's not home?


[video] watcherless August 1 2011, 21:23:04 UTC
[ Shit. There's a flicker of surprise in her expression but she masks it pretty quickly in her tough girl act. He's evil and dangerous and he's killed Slayers. She's already injured. This isn't looking good. Looks like check out time's coming sooner than she thought. ]

I'd say that just puts the fun back in it. I mean, not that getting you all worked up with no way to get it out wasn't great and all, but uh. You gotta know better than anyone; it's no fun unless they put up a fight before you put 'em down.

So, stop on by. Door's open. We'll see who enjoys themselves.


[video-->action] idolstolemylook August 2 2011, 15:55:57 UTC
Glad to hear it, Slayer. Look forward to bein' put down by you.

[He's just grinning, and the background changes as he moves out the door.]

Oh, forgot to mention--sunlight doesn't burn, here. Bloody miracle. See you in a tic!

[The feed clicks off, and Spike makes his way to the hospital, whistling a jaunty tune because this is hilarious. Oh, he doesn't mean any harm. But Faith might as well learn this way as any.]


[action] watcherless August 2 2011, 22:41:14 UTC
[ Shit ( ... )


[action] idolstolemylook August 2 2011, 22:47:51 UTC
[He hadn't been expecting this, quite. Had he known, he'd have cut things off before they went to her actually endangering herself. As it is, he can smell her as soon as they're in the same hallway, head tilting unerringly towards her. The pencil doesn't penetrate the leather jacket, but it does get his attention, and he follows.

Stupid girl, but he has to admit her head's in the right place. Get the big bad away from the kiddies, face him on her own. No matter how weak a target she presents. And maybe he's been training the potentials too long, because this is a lesson, too.

He ignored the other people, who don't pay him any mind, and exits shortly after her, ready to defend himself.]


[action] watcherless August 2 2011, 23:19:37 UTC
[ When they get outside, she doesn't hesitate. She wheels around to throw a punch for his jaw. She was slower than usual, the lack of blood really making itself known in how woozy she was now that she was on her feet. But, she didn't get to feel woozy. She got to jump right into putting the next Big Bad down. Life of a Slayer, yeah? ]


[action] idolstolemylook August 2 2011, 23:23:35 UTC
[He lets that one connect, head snapping back but not nearly as bad as it should. Spike grabs for her then, not punching or kicking, but trying to get her in a hold. To stop her wearing herself out.]


[He doesn't expect her to listen, but he's got to try to get through to her.]


[action] watcherless August 2 2011, 23:29:08 UTC
[ Faith immediately struggles, trying to pull back. But, not too much that she can't snark at him. ]

Vampire. [ She says it like an identifier, smug smirk on her lips. ] Glad we got that math outta the way. [ That math meaning vampire + Slayer = him dead. She struggles further and then raises her forearms and pushes them outward against his elbows, breaking his hold on her shoulders and backing up enough to kick at his abdomen. ]


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