(oo2) (video) ♐ lord i've gotta keep moving where i can't be found

Jul 26, 2011 18:51

Damn, you don't think they coulda put on the brochure how uptight the docs around here can be? I'm itching to get discharged and I've only been here, what, a week? I'm a big girl, tie my own shoes and everything. So, just show me who I've gotta talk to so I can get discharged, and I'm out ( Read more... )

faith lehane

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[video] idolstolemylook July 27 2011, 06:50:39 UTC
Slayer, the Sequel. Good to see you up and about. Or, well, about, anyway.

[Spike's smirking, but it's more than a little a smile. He's only recently parted ways with her, in his mind. And he is glad to see her again. Have some things in common, they do.]


[action] idolstolemylook August 2 2011, 23:30:59 UTC
[He ducks back, the blow glancing and he circles around her.]

You made a mistake. Should've called Buffy--you wouldn't have won this one, an' all those people in there might have been next.


[action] watcherless August 2 2011, 23:33:41 UTC
[ That gets an unduly harsh laugh and an aggressive response, complete with hand gesticulation as she turns to watch him circle, keeping an eye on him at all times as her lips contort in a kind of sneer. ]

What, so now you're gonna tell me how I'm no good at my job without B around? 'Cause I've heard this one before. Spare me. So, how about we cut the small talk, skip the dancing and get straight to me kicking your ass? I've never been too big on foreplay.


[action] idolstolemylook August 2 2011, 23:36:03 UTC
No. 'm tellin' you you're not your best, and you've endangered yourself and them. Pride will get you all, in the end. Always known that.

[He goes for her again, trying once more to get her into some sort of hold so he can talk some sense into her.]


[action] watcherless August 2 2011, 23:39:03 UTC
[ This time when he goes to get her in a hold, she uses an elbow, trying to knock him in the face with it. ]

What is this, you're vamp-Yoda now? I'm supposed to listen to this crap? Hate to break it to you, Blondie, but I already had a Watcher. Didn't really work out.


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 06:53:32 UTC
[Been awhile since he had a good fight. And he's not having one now, but it gets him going anyway, and that's nice. She catches him on the cheek, and he wraps his arms around her.]

'nother reason you should've called her. She'd have told you I'm all reformed now.


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 06:57:38 UTC
Sure, redeemed vamp, like I've never heard that one before. You rippin' off Angel now? Gotta say, he's not gonna love you pissin' on his deal. [ She's not done struggling, and tries to get around the hold by aiming her other elbow for his ribs, dropping her weight at the same time and trying to throw him forward over her shoulders. Look, it's worth a shot. Still. She knows she's not as fast as she should be, and he's had a few times to take a chunk out of her and he hasn't. Something's weird. ]


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 07:00:19 UTC
[She doesn't get him this time. His arms tighten, and he holds her against his chest, mouth low at her ear.]

Don't give a toss what Angel says or thinks. Won my soul, on purpose an' of my own free will. Took my stripes after, too. Got nothin' to do with Angel. What's it gonna take? Me hurting you to prove I can, but won't?


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 07:02:13 UTC
Whoa, hold up. [ She stops short, craning her neck to get a look at him as best she can. ] Soul? Since when do you have a -- What the hell's SunnyD been up to since I bailed?


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 07:04:51 UTC
Think you're behind the times, pussycat.

[He pauses a moment, and the lets go, watching her.]

'bout a year ago. Buffy'll tell you, if you want to get it from her.


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 07:10:39 UTC
[ She breaks away and turns to face him more fully, sizing him up with a thoughtful look and reaching up to rub her neck wound, cracking her neck at the same time. ]

Explains the whole BFF vibe she's got goin'. [ Which was definitely Twilight Zone for Faith compared to Sanctuary when they last saw each other. She studies him a moment longer. ] Which, y'know, not that I'm not eager to monopolize on that while it lasts ... kinda thinking I'm better off getting the story firsthand from the vamp it's inside of. [ She gives him a once-over. ] You get in bad with some gypsies or something?


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 14:44:30 UTC
[Well, at least she's not struggling anymore. She looks beat, but it's not his fault she's overreacted.]

Just told you. Got it on my own. Trials an' everything. [He pauses, lips pursed, until he can't hold it in any longer.] I'm nothin' like Angel. At all.


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 22:04:49 UTC
[ She folds her arms over her chest and assesses him with a critical eye. ]

... You're telling me you finally got bored after a century or two of making innocent people your bitch, and you just hiked your ass to some trials and asked to get a soul shoved up your keester?


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 22:30:29 UTC
Well actually it was-- you know what? Never mind.

[Spike waves a hand.]

Yeah. Nothin' to do one Saturday night, went to Africa to get my soul back. Good times. Oh, an' then I saved the world.

[Why yes, he is capable of being smug about this at this point.]


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 23:22:19 UTC
Didn't know they manufactured the things in Africa. But, hey, the more you know, right? [ She blinks too long, cringing a little as she tries to keep on her feet. ] Damn. Wish you'd a told me that ten minutes ago.


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 23:24:13 UTC
I would have, but you were to busy bein' righteous.

[He shrugs his shoulders back.]

C'mon, then. Shouldn't have let you get out of bed, I s'pose.


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