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Mar 07, 2010 21:33

So a few weeks ago I posted about WoW and how my character was a dinky lil lowbie and it made me sad. Well I am proud to announce that she hit level 80, the level cap! Whooo!

For those who play WoW, this is her. I am proud and now working on my gear to be even more awesome ^____________ ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

turkmikari March 8 2010, 06:20:19 UTC
congratulations on leveling up!

that's a lot of health things O.o;; *steals chocolate away*


zipis1 March 8 2010, 19:33:23 UTC
Nooo! My chocolate ;_;

...though I haven't been a perfect angel in that department >.>


turkmikari March 8 2010, 20:38:12 UTC
no one could be XD


empath_eia March 8 2010, 07:04:19 UTC
Hayyyyy pretty 'lock. *__*

My nelf druid hit 80 not too long ago, so now I'm running around aiming for the Loremaster title because I'm crazy, lol.

The health issues sound unpleasant, but I'm glad you have a sense of humour about them.


zipis1 March 8 2010, 19:35:36 UTC
Loremaster? Girl, you be crazy :P I'm working on getting a proto-drake flying mount of some kind. Cuz every girl needs a dragon :P

They're not all that bad. Except for the stomach and the eczema they were all just visual things that really had no effect on me. I do, however, feel bad for the people I probably infected with strep throat...


empath_eia March 8 2010, 19:39:14 UTC
LOL I'm at like... 850/1400 quests in Azeroth, have maybe half the ones in the Outlands done, and a little more than half in Northrend. So... it'll take a while, hahaha.

A dragon would be pretty neat. My gear sucks because I hate playing with other people, so I don't run dungeons. I don't have any fun things. One of these days I should just suck it up and run a few heroics with my brother's guild or something. >__>


zipis1 March 8 2010, 19:54:53 UTC
Most quests are so tedious to me I can't even imagine doing that many! The only ones that I actually sort of enjoy are the Argent Tournament ones, and at first I hated them because they were so weird, which made them really difficult. I like them now that I've had some practice though.

I hate playing with people too (especially if I don't know them), so I avoided dungeons for the most part til recently. And now when I run them I'm usually grouped with Griffin, Matt, and/or Tom so if I screw up I'm less likely to get yelled at :P Especially when they see me in the same guild as Matt's character (Clobberz) and Griffin's character (Cathari), as they're the tank and the healer, respectively, and you really don't want to piss off those two roles or you'll find yourself dead XD


geofount March 8 2010, 18:33:09 UTC
LUPUS! I'm also on the no caffeine diet right now as well and it sucks. You never realize how much stuff has caffeine until you're not allowed to have it anymore.

Also I never knew you played a warlock. For some reason I thought you played a hunter. And since people have been linking WoW characters, here's mine! But I have two level 80's cause I play too much and have no life.




empath_eia March 8 2010, 19:42:14 UTC
Woowww look at all that purple. *___*

I have only one 80, but I also have like twenty alts (because I like trying one of everything) which range in level from 15 to 65. >___>


geofount March 8 2010, 21:28:45 UTC
This is what happens when you're unemployed for most of a year and a half >.> Okay not completely ha but I've always played the game to raid. The sad thing is my gear is really only decent and not great; my guild's only like in the top ten Alliance guilds on the servers and barely so. You should see some of the gear the top end guilds are sporting like Fruit of Elune and Warcraftier. (If you're feeling really sick check out Paragon on one of the EU servers. It makes me droooool)

Haha really? I was never much of an alt person until I was unemployed for so long. I also have a hunter (who is male because it makes me laugh) who is level 55 >.> because I have no life


zipis1 March 8 2010, 19:45:46 UTC
*laugh* If it IS lupus, they're hiding it from me. Then again I haven't actually received an official diagnosis as to what it is, but eh. I'm not worried.

Yep! I like my warlock. At first I wasn't sure about it because they nerfed the bejeebus out of the class (when I first started they were way more powerful), but I'm back to loving it as I discovered that you can "sacrifice" your voidwalker (which barely even damages it) and then be shielded from 11,000 damage. It's a good thing :P (and metamorphosis is sweeeeeeet).

What's up with all the Allys on my flist!? Horde, man! Horde! (But I find it intriguing that both you and Eia are on the same server. Something I'll maybe keep in mind >.>)


psychosnake March 8 2010, 18:58:24 UTC
Sorry about the sick and the stress - I hope you feel better physically and emotionally soon!


zipis1 March 8 2010, 19:47:46 UTC
Thanks! I'm doing much better now. Mostly I'm amused that I escaped the horrors of strep throat while technically having it XD


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