SPN 8.03 spec, Sam, and ep/vid recs

Oct 20, 2012 11:10

I'll admit, I'm kinda stunned and agog over the response to my S8!Sam meta. I had no idea so many fans would find it so helpful! I almost didn't let myself sit down and work it out, I was so skeptical of my own feeling. But it's encouraging to hear not only that it works for so many people but that it explains alot of what many have already felt. I ( Read more... )

vid_recs, recs: posts, spn:s8, mumford, music

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Comments 7

dev_earl October 20 2012, 16:44:26 UTC
Just had a chance to look at your Sam meta (thanks for linking it back!), and it reminded me why reading what you have to say has always been a comfort to me. My reaction posts so far have been all rage and "just tell us what Sam was up to already!!!". So it's nice to look back and see all the minute details that remind me why I'm still watching this dang show. ;)

For instance, I realize now that Sam's flashback has always been about Riot in some form, and I've been seeing it as him remembering Amelia. If it's intentional, it goes to show how well Carver & Co knows us, knows that we'll most likely be focusing on the girl instead of the dog. And that's just...smart.

And the PTSD traits? Spot on. It does seem to me that Sam's letting Dean call all the shots, like he's afraid to decide at the moment. I'll be watching out for that for the rest of the season, I'm sure. :3


zimshan October 20 2012, 21:46:39 UTC
I got your tweet!! Glad it helped you think past initial reactions. I know the dog thing was one of the last things I figured out, and when I realized it, I was like, WOW, CARVER, PROPS. Because it does feed right into what they know about fans, that fandom will pounce on the girl right away. They know our buttons and they're playing us like fiddles! So we got to be one ahead and read passed what they're doing, so we don't drive ourselves crazy. :)

Sam's letting Dean call all the shots, like he's afraid to decide at the moment.

Definitely something to watch out for. If I had to lay money down, Id say this will change as the season progresses. I anticipate Dean needing to have Sam take over in calling the shots at some point down the line, which could make a nice reversal of S4 and the honeymoon suite scene


maraceles October 20 2012, 17:09:04 UTC
Oh, ugh, that video gave me so many Sam FEELS. It's such a stark reminder of why Sam absolutely despises his life and how it has traumatized him. Take Dean out of it, and there is absolutely no redeeming aspect. It's no wonder Sam gave up when Dean disappeared: Asking him to live that life only for the nebulous, impersonal comfort of saving people--it's asking far too much.

Jesus, when you look at it like that, Sam must love Dean so fucking much--Dean tips the balance for Sam back towards hunting, and that's really fucking incredible.


zimshan October 20 2012, 22:06:55 UTC
OH GOD, THIS COMMENT. True story: I read it, and it packed such a punch, I legit threw my hands up and walked out of the room.

But the way you phrased it in this comment, is just *devastatingly* painful and beautiful. JEEZE. I think that might have been why it got to me watching it again with this subject on the brain, but you just took it so much further than I processed and damn, murder me, why don't you?!


maraceles October 21 2012, 13:17:23 UTC
Ahahaha, your response had me grinning all day! :D :D :D

And it was totally ALL YOUR FAULT for giving me so many Sam FEELS!


ash48 October 20 2012, 23:53:07 UTC
I finally sat down and had a good read of that reaction post and...YAY! I just love how excited it makes me feel about the show and that episode. I KNEW I loved it but I can't articulate it nearly as concisely as that. It's great to see it explained like that.

And yay for being inspired to vid! Every time I listen to a Mumford song I think they're talking about our boys. And yes, Babel. I'm finding it interesting that they actually seem to be communicating at the moment- in that they are both aware of what the other wants, but they are misunderstanding that information and are only hearing it from their own perspective so it makes it all so much more tangled and painful. Which...yay. That's SPN land for ya.

I am going to be constantly reminding myself this season that Carver has said it's about perspective.



secretlytodream December 8 2012, 17:15:49 UTC
Oh wow thanks so much for the rec hon! ♥


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