SPN 8.03 spec, Sam, and ep/vid recs

Oct 20, 2012 11:10

I'll admit, I'm kinda stunned and agog over the response to my S8!Sam meta. I had no idea so many fans would find it so helpful! I almost didn't let myself sit down and work it out, I was so skeptical of my own feeling. But it's encouraging to hear not only that it works for so many people but that it explains alot of what many have already felt. I love how many thinkies its caused in the comments, though it will probably take awhile to make my way through, cause they've made ME thinky in response!

I've never been more happy to have written something than after watching 8.03 Wednesday night. Where my ep reactions are basically: SEE POST I POSTED TWO DAYS AGO PLEASE. What a bizarre experience! I solemnly swear no psychic powers were involved in the creation of that post. Anything else I may have wanted to say about the ep, maraceles laid out awesomely in her 8.03 reaction post. Definitely one of the best put together eps in recent memory! Good show, Mr. Director Jensen Ackles!

So, it's fair to say, if I was skeptical when I wrote it, and encouraged by the reaction of others once I posted it, watching an episode so intentionally meaningful and precisely pointed as that one was pretty much convinced me. The probability that myself and others got THAT from the premiere, it was nothing the writers intended, *AND* that 803 aired as it did? Well, I haven't run a stat analysis on it, but I'm pretty sure it passes the 0.05 threshold, results not due to a random event. :D

Keeping all that in mind, I was scrolling tumblr and someone reposted an old secretlytodream vid that fits so aptly with the sentiment of that meta and where Sam is now, I have to share:

image Click to view

It's the wall busting at the end that really does it for me. I might have kinda gotten a tad bit emotional about it. These stupid boys break my heart sometimes. Stupid stupid show.

ETA: As my love affair with Mumford/SPN continues, I also cracked the nut on why Babel works so well for S8. They both happen to be all about the confusion and miscommunication between people. And man, if that doesn't hit my muse right where it lives!

vid_recs, recs: posts, spn:s8, mumford, music

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