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Comments 29

katsheswims October 1 2011, 22:50:05 UTC
I love everything you say!! This episode just made me very happy!

What-was it John's journal?! I'll have to re-watch! It could have been a random book-I think that's what I thought the first time...

" ETA: Quotes ringing in my head. Sam's subconscious mentioned Martin. “Bury it. That’s how we don’t end up like Martin” my response to that has always been no, dean that’s exactly how you become like Martin. That lead box is cracking the hell open, for both of them, have fun! " You know, it was the end of that episode where Dean talked about suppressing everything and pushing it down explicitly for the first time-and then he says pretty much the same thing to Bobby in this episode. I wonder if the mention of Martin is meant to remind us of that, and let us think that maybe Dean's 'coping mechanism' is finally going to really fail him sometime soon?


zimshan October 1 2011, 23:41:08 UTC
IDK? MAYBE I jumped the gun on that, but it certainly LOOKED like John's journal, it didn't have a normal book binding, and the nausauted look the boys gave each other communicated to me it was more than just one random book. I could be reading too much into it, the lighting was pretty dark but I'll see if I can find a cap.

Yea, that's my thinking on the Martin mention. I don't by that it wasn't deliberate in the same episode Dean talked about storing all his marbles in a lead box. Especially because the next ten scenes skated Dean right to the edge. This was too big and hard hitting and at break-neck speed for them not going somewhere with this now. I'd put money down on it.


smilla02 October 1 2011, 23:26:43 UTC
oh my, if sam still thinks dean hates him or thinks he's a monster then he is dumb. sorry i'm tipsy so i'm blunt, but this made me think really after all of this? don't be too emo, sam! i think, last week he was basically recognizing how strongly dean stood up for him and never gave up, i decide to believe that most of that is behind them for real ( ... )


zimshan October 2 2011, 00:04:26 UTC
oh my, if sam still thinks dean hates him or thinks he's a monster then he is dumb. Well, I wouldn't say Sam thinks Dean still HATES him. Luci is his subconscious talking to him anyway, so it's more like it represents that back of the mind fear. It might just be me re-remembering how Sam never found out that wasn't really Dean in those two instances. So even if he's pushed them down, that lingering "other shoe could drop" thought in the back of his mind could fuel that. And lead him to more easily believe this he really never left the cage. I mean much of S4 and S5 they spent in a bad space and S6 Sam wasn't really even all there, so it makes sense Sam would second guess the reality that him coming back and Dean being okay with him again could be fake. That his mind conceives Luci as playing the creepy comfort angle and that he morphs back and forth into Dean while doing it only reinforces it, I think. But I have to sit on this ep some more, there's a million ways one could probably take Sam's hallucinations ( ... )


smilla02 October 2 2011, 07:30:23 UTC
I've always looked at the voicemail the other way around. There are behaviors that speaks louder than any words, and Sam saying 'you never gave up on me' tells me that Sam gets it. After all, Dean didn't try to kill him the first time he saw him again, and didn't kill me when Sam was - arguably - a monster. On the other hand, Dean left a voicemail basically pleading Sam to stop and Sam didnt. So for me, if the voicemail is brough up again, which I don't think it will, it should be in this context, especially with what happened with Castiel recently: another instance in which Dean pleads someone to stop and they don't. If it makes any sense.

It's hard discerning what's memories and what is Sam's brain creating the reality around him, you're right.

You're the second person who talks about rebirth wrt Castiel going into the lake, so maybe there's something there. And heee, I know! I'm being ridiculously hopeful about many things - most likely Castiel as well! - but yeah, we have 21 more episodes to see how it goes.


killabeez October 1 2011, 23:36:24 UTC
Pretty, yes!

I was kind of a bit disappointed by the episode, but I was also watching it under less than ideal conditions, and think I need to watch it again. Your pretty, pretty screencaps have convinced me. :)


zimshan October 2 2011, 01:24:12 UTC
Aw, no, disappointed? Really? Hmm, I second you needing a rewatch. :)

Granted, half of my flail here was due to them picking up bits I flailed about already in the premiere and hoped might be something more as the season goes on. So two eps in two is much more promise than I was hoping for. But...nah, you need a rewatch. Less than ideal conditions have been known do a number on perceptions. ;)


philomel October 1 2011, 23:38:53 UTC
Through the real, simple, human pain of it.

YES. So much! It's the foundation of the show, underneath all that set dressing of crazy monsters and absurd scenarios. It's why I love the show. :)

I wondered if that might be John's journal, too. But on second (third, fourth) glance it looked to be just a regular book -- didn't see any straps. Hard to tell, even after pausing the heck out of it, though.

That last shot you posted reminds me of the title card, with the water darkening the light concrete but not taking over the whole floor. I'm probably over-thinking that. Plus, Sam, alone, with a box and random points of light (the sources of which can't all be traced)... yeah, now I'm starting to see symbolism where probably none was intended, oops!

Really just wanted to say I love reading your reaction posts and agree with pretty much all of this.


zimshan October 2 2011, 02:41:58 UTC
Mmm, yes the real, simple, human pains are what have always set the show apart to me. It's much more grounded than its supernatural trappings would lead anyone to think.

I keep looking at journal screencaps and I can't tell. It looks like the same size and has that rounded binding on it where most books would have a straight edge binding, but I'm just not sure. Take a look:

The only straps on the journal is the clasp strap which you can't see by the side Dean's holding it here:

... )


ash48 October 2 2011, 00:10:06 UTC
*glomps* YES YES!

Oh I love your level of squee!


YES! It's perfectly ridiculous. They inhabit this "Evil Dead" kind of universe where it's all taken very seriously and yet it's all crazy... I love it. (And Creep Hospital buys into that perfectly).

WAS THAT JOHN'S JOURNAL?? Really? Ack! Nononononno - that can't be. (If it was I'd hope that Dean would toss it on the ground the way he did..though... ack... why not I suppose. :((((( )

Colour!! Yay. (Though I confess to wanting to see some pinks with the greens. Perfect horror genre colours. Every now and then a light red sneaks in and I get all excited.

And the overhead shot is a thing of BEAUTY!! Look at that composition. The light in the foreground, the spot lights on the ground (love the seeping water also) and poor (WEE!) Sammy in the middle. With a guy so big they did a great job of making him look vulnerable and small. And alone. (hee... you did say talk about it..)

Bobby didn't mention Lisa and Ben in his rundown of Dean's ( ... )


zimshan October 3 2011, 20:40:07 UTC
where it's all taken very seriously and yet it's all crazy
HAHA! Well, THEY'RE taking it all rather seriously. Which was strange compared to the end of 7.01 with the uber-Joker-like Leviathan!Cas. Maybe the Boss is the goofball though, who knows?!

IDK about the journal. Take a look at the post above, I put up caps of the journal in 4.03 in relation to Dean's hands compared to here. It looks like the same size and thickness and has that curved binding that makes it distinctly different from a normal straight-edge binding of a book. Mostly it's just curious to me the filming choice of that bit, if it is just a random book, what's the point? I mean the place is supposed to be smoldering Dean shouldn't even be able to pick it up with his hands yet. Who knows though.

There were definitely some light reds and bright greens in that Leviathan hospital scene!! With some yellow too, I said to hugemind, it's like all the most duplicitous colors combining forces!

Did you listen to that Guy Bee interview? I haven't gotten through it all yet (IT ( ... )


ash48 October 4 2011, 03:23:16 UTC
Mostly it's just curious to me the filming choice of that bit, if it is just a random book, what's the point?

I think it's possibly to show that the boys will not have the usual resources (bobby's books) to rely on to find answers as easily as they have done in the past. Just a thought.

I haven't listened to that interview yet (mainly due to the length), but that's wonderful to hear everything was placed like that. Which makes sense, I believe some things are happy accidents in filming but I reckon it's very rare. Ooh, water motif. So yes the water on the ground is deliberate. I love it.

And yep re Sam telling Bobby. Makes perfect sense :)


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