Feb 18, 2008 20:57

Of course it's SPN that ultimately brings me out of my hole. I'm sure none of you are surprised. Sometimes being slightly spoiled gives you such low expectations that you completely underestimate its potential and it slowly creeps up to ABSOLUTELY DESTROY YOU ( Read more... )

!!!!!!, super-fuckin-natural, spn: lethal_levels, spn: s3, spn, sam-fuckin-winchester

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Comments 21

squaringkarma February 18 2008, 23:31:04 UTC
Hii. I'm glad you are enjoying Scotland! Eeeee so exciting!


zimshan February 18 2008, 23:48:39 UTC
Oh my goodness, GABY, that was fast! HI!! Hope you're doing good! Scotland has been a blast so far, totally something I might get to sum up in a post or ten in the next century, but definitely fabulous. Hey, have you caught up with any FNL at all yet? I was just catching up with some eps yesterday and freakin' Francis Capra appeared out of thin air! And Matt 'Assface' Czunsky as well. It was quite surreal.


squaringkarma February 18 2008, 23:57:49 UTC
Hee, I subscribed so I know whenever you update since it's so sparse lately! Nope, haven't gone further than the pilot for FNL. However, I am very close to the end of Buffy season 4! Three more episodes to go! Angel season 1 has 7 episodes left. (I decided the best way to do it was watch one disc of Buffy and then one disc of Angel. So my next ep will be an Angel one. God, spring break is coming up scary fast. I go home on Feb 29!)

Do you feel comfortable saying whereabouts in Scotland you are? (I think you might have told me before, but I can't remember.) I was in Edinburgh in '04 briefly as well as a couple days in Glasgow, I think.

Anyway a quick update on me: I'm doing good (made the Dean's List last semester, woohoo!), I've made a plan-to-travel blog, which will hopefully be an actual travel blog when I get traveling. You can check it out @ likewhatiknow@blogspot (yep, a Mac reference). I am so wanting to go to New Zealand and Australia after I graduate! I've added a film studies minor to my computers major and math minor. Um, ( ... )


zimshan February 19 2008, 01:14:40 UTC
WOW! Season Four! OH MAN, so you saw 'Hush', yea? And the THANKSGIVING ONE! And SOMETHING BLUE! Oh, Season four, I forget very often but it has a bunch of my very favorites. Have fun with Restless! That's one of Joss's shiniest gems, even if you don't realize it at first. One of those ones I couldn't fully appreciate under the five time through, but it's oodles of fun for those who love the film analysis stuff! And OO! Congrats on the Film Studies Minor! That's so exciting!

Watching Angel and Buffy back to back like that though. That's...interesting. I guess for the crossovers you need to, but I'd suggest not doing that for the next season actually, they really sort of majorly clash in terms of tone after the first season. OH MAN, DID YOU GET TO THE FAITH EPS YET! Those are the BEST. The two in B and the two in A. BEST RUN JOSS EVER DID, IMO. But then again, I ADORE Eliza Dushku so I'm abit biased. I'll have to get on AIM one of these days and give a shout!


spectralbovine February 18 2008, 23:35:21 UTC
Hee! It's good to see you again!! It was a pretty great episode, for sure.

Have fun in Europe! You're missed!


zimshan February 19 2008, 00:01:59 UTC
SUNIL!! AWW, I love your smile icon! I could watch it all day.

Hey, you even thought it was pretty great? That's something! :D

Europe has been too much fun so far but I'm definitely wishing I could tap into Hiro's powers every once in a while to get everything done. It would be too useful for words!


spectralbovine February 19 2008, 00:13:17 UTC
Aw, I like when people are excited to see me. Here, have the smile icon again! alliterator made it for me.

Hey, you even thought it was pretty great? That's something!
Right? And I'm only half as in love with the show as you are! But that episode was hilarious and sad and scary!


deathisyourart February 18 2008, 23:37:31 UTC
First, I don't forive you for being in Scotland when I can't be! Second, WELCOME BACK TO LJ!!!!

It truly was an AMAZING episode! I still haven't written anything for it because I don't know where to start. :P


zimshan February 19 2008, 00:07:34 UTC
Haha, I probably wouldn't forgive me either, I don't blame you! :D Thanks for the welcome back! I just breezed by your awesome vidrec list that I definitely am going to have to go back to later. My goodness, that was gigantic!

Still? And I thought Monday was late! Glad to see I wasn't the only one overwhelmed! I swear that ep was put in some timewarp just to cover everything it did!


deathisyourart February 19 2008, 00:18:29 UTC
I have watched the episode about 8 times already, but when I try to talk about it I end up keysmashing and going off on tangents. It isn't pretty! :P

I'm trying to put together rec posts for as many fandoms as I can, so that I can keep them all in one place and just update a central set of lists. I think Battlestar Galactica is next.

ENJOY SCOTLAND!!! And if you happen to have a torrid affair with a sexy accent having man... please tell us all about it!


afrocurl February 18 2008, 23:52:25 UTC

I'm glad you flailed so much at the episode--I couldn't do it, but I must be some sort of freak when it comes to that.

However, I will probably FREAK OUT when I get to meet the boys in 6 weeks. EEE!!!!!


zimshan February 19 2008, 00:09:12 UTC
MEET THE BOYS?! WHAT?! HUH?! WHO?! I definitely missed something. Are they doing an LA convention or something?!


afrocurl February 19 2008, 02:47:57 UTC
There's a con in LA the last weekend in March.



singingrl February 19 2008, 00:14:25 UTC
Hee! I KNOW! I was a *mess* during parts of that episode. I don't know if I cried all that much, but it kind of *broke* me seeing Sammy like that. I have found myself getting sucked back into SPN more and more this season, well actually just these past 3 or 4 episodes, but I can't quite explain why...maybe the writing has gotten stronger, I don't know, either way I'm kind of in love with every aspect of the show again. I never thought that would happen. Here's hoping that the post-strike episodes will be even better.

Oh I forgot to mention how ridiculously adorable I found Dean's gurgling/morning ritual scenes (and for the record, I don't find that stuff sexy ever). I hope you're enjoying Europe! :)


zimshan February 19 2008, 01:04:18 UTC
Oh, I know it definitely didn't get me with too many actual crying tears. I don't think anything can equal the non-stop tearfest of AHBL(part II) really. But same here. Seeing Sammy like that just BROKE me into smithereens. In a way, it just went so far BEYOND what my emotions could even handle ( ... )


squaringkarma February 19 2008, 01:54:59 UTC
OHMYGOODNESS, EDITING! LJ finally got their act together! Wow, I have missed SO MUCH!

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