Title: The Happiest Place on Earth (Pays Ride Operators Shit), Chapter Sixteen Fandom: Adam Lambert Pairing: Adam/Tommy, past Adam/Brad, past Tommy/Isaac Author: i_amthecosmosRating: R
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Oh wow, poor Adam that hangover sounds like a bitch. But I"m really glad they talked. Both of them have similar fears it seems like they just come from different places. Great update!
Poor Adam-he's really sick from the hangover and Tommy has to boss him around to get him to work. And yeah, it was time for them to get some of that out.
You kinda killed me a little with the end here bb. They're doing better, hell they even talked, but if I was TJ I would have felt lonely too. Adam has a pattern of opening up and the withdraw a bit right after again. Tommy lets Adam in in a completely different way, not better just different.
What I think you're doing an amazing job with here is especially how they fall so fast for each other but because they don't actually know one another very well they keep doubting themselves and the signals they're in the receiving end of. I really love how you write that insecurity. the whole 'is he mad at me? what did he mean by that? did I do something wrong?'
I can be so hard to trust your own feelings and even harder to trust the other one in the beginning of a new relationship.
Thank you. Yeah, they can both withdraw, and they're also kind of addicted to each others company. If they don't spend the night together it's a big deal.
They need to talk more-and not just deep stuff either, but they kind of talking they did early on when they got pancakes. And they do need to learn each others signals so they won't worry so hard.
My heart is still in a clench.... Damn it!!! I'm just like JDNDHDYSJSJDGSHUS with this fic-- Adam has a lot of growing to do still... And tommy, well, he's come a long fucking way. Proud of him!
Aww boys. So much they need to work through. They are making progress, but slowly. Maybe we should lock them away somewhere with no outside intrusions and just let them talk until they can't talk anymore ! But, happy that they are talking and trying to work out all their problems. Hopefully they can keep it up and get to a good spot where they are both happy and satisfied in their relationship. I want to see them happy ! Good chapter.
Ha, yeah. Most of the story isn't set at Disney anymore, but it looms large because they've gotta be there every day. Just like any other job really, but they work in the same place and don't even try to see each other at breaks-the damn park is too big. They need a vacation from other people's vacation spot.
Adam left partially because he does need to do his laundry/have other clothes to wear, but also he's running a little bit. He's putting distance between them at exactly the wrong time.
Comments 17
What I think you're doing an amazing job with here is especially how they fall so fast for each other but because they don't actually know one another very well they keep doubting themselves and the signals they're in the receiving end of. I really love how you write that insecurity. the whole 'is he mad at me? what did he mean by that? did I do something wrong?'
I can be so hard to trust your own feelings and even harder to trust the other one in the beginning of a new relationship.
Great job bb. <3333
They need to talk more-and not just deep stuff either, but they kind of talking they did early on when they got pancakes. And they do need to learn each others signals so they won't worry so hard.
Thank you!
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