Title: The Happiest Place On Earth (Pays Ride Operators Shit), Part Eight Fandom: Adam Lambert Pairing: Adam/Tommy Author: i_amthecosmosRating: R
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I'm really bad at commenting, but this chapter forced me to do it.
Adam and Tommy made such progress here. Tommy opened up and talked about his past, which was a must if they were going to make a go of it. They still have things to work out, but that was a big hurdle to overcome.
Of course, now is when Isaac decides to show up. I have to wonder if it's a coincidence or he's been keeping tabs on Tommy. I really hope Tommy lets Adam know he called.
Yeah, Tommy went a long way with that, and telling the truth freed him up to let Adam know what he did wasn't acceptable. He was falling into the pattern of being agreeable, but talking about Isaac gave him strength to stand up for himself.
I think it's just typical ex radar-they always seem to call just when you've started to let them go in your head.
Good chapter. So glad they talked and set some rules. Glad Tommy opened up a bit about his past.And Isaac....just no ! Really hope he doesn't make an appearance here.
I just got caught up with this story. LOVE IT! Can't believe that you're bringing isaac into it. that'll stir up some shit. I hope the boys can get through it.
Comments 21
Adam and Tommy made such progress here. Tommy opened up and talked about his past, which was a must if they were going to make a go of it. They still have things to work out, but that was a big hurdle to overcome.
Of course, now is when Isaac decides to show up. I have to wonder if it's a coincidence or he's been keeping tabs on Tommy. I really hope Tommy lets Adam know he called.
Yeah, Tommy went a long way with that, and telling the truth freed him up to let Adam know what he did wasn't acceptable. He was falling into the pattern of being agreeable, but talking about Isaac gave him strength to stand up for himself.
I think it's just typical ex radar-they always seem to call just when you've started to let them go in your head.
Can't wait till Tommy learns to swallow, lol.
Nice job, bb.
Hahahaha, I don't know if Tommy is ready for that! He's good at giving head, but he's still a little shy about some aspects of sex with men.
Thank you.
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