Time to learn him something...

Apr 26, 2007 20:39

Warily entering the Nexus just long enough for Naoko to lead him over to the dimensional locator, he dropped in a scale and got the coordinates. The girl wanted to be the one to input them, but he'd do it himself.. Can't let the vassals do everything, right ( Read more... )

naoko-chan, zhilbar, de-aging

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mistressnaoko April 27 2007, 04:11:58 UTC
Naoko stood back from her lover, having caught the murderous rumble in his throat and surveyed the damage. The damage done was old, though it looked like there had been a battle a long time ago. It was abandoned, and there was a sense of desolation and loneliness like none other. Her senses were attuned to pick up any residue of a dead soul, but there were none here.

It had been far too long since anyone stepped here.


zhilbar July 18 2007, 02:59:07 UTC
They round the corner, ready for just about anything, and...

It was a cockroach.

Okay, a bright red DEMON cockroach, about the size of a weiner dog, but still!

"Fear me, fear me! Ohshit." It seemed the roach just noticed the dragon behind her.. Who then snatched out with one paw and grabbed it, ebony claws pricking lightly in five very vulnerable spots.

Apparently, Zhilbar wants to know something. "...What ARE you?"

Hopefully, Naoko's questions will be more useful.


mistressnaoko July 18 2007, 03:22:52 UTC
Naoko, unfortunately, is more amused than frightened. Cockroaches the size of this one though was unusual, and the random "Fear me!" scream seemed more like someone who was insecure about his size, which made her think that perhaps the change had been recent.

"What's your name?" getting up close and personal with prisoners always unnerved them.


zhilbar July 18 2007, 03:41:57 UTC
"I am Krahe, scourge of nations! STOP THAT, I AM!" Apparently, lilZhil had just flexed his talons a little bit inward.

"I am the demon roach that brings terror and chaos in his wake! You better tell your pet not to mess with me, Missy; I KNOW people! All the way up to Darastrivaeralar herself- OWOWOW QUIT IT!" Mmmyep, you guessed it; Zhilbar didn't like that 'pet' crack.



mistressnaoko July 18 2007, 04:05:08 UTC
Naoko's reflex was just a second behind Zhilbar's, mainly because she pulled out her leather gloves and then proceeded to slap the cockroach as hard as she could.

Which in a normal human, might have resulted in their head spinning off their body. In this cockroach though, it twisted his head about 3/4 of the way, which made him look like a cockroach that had its head nearly twisted off. It could still talk though. In her anger, Naoko had retained enough sense to not kill the roach outright.

"He's. Not. My. Pet." Each word was delivered in a cold, precise tone.


zhilbar July 18 2007, 05:16:54 UTC
"GAAH! You crazy bitch! AAAAAGH!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT AUGH!!" Bitch? Oh, no babe. Talking about Naoko like that is a one-leg penalty, didn't you know? You might even get beaten with this pulled-off leg, if you don't get your act together!

"Fine, WHATEVER! Your baby-daddy, your B&D boss, your pack mule- Just make him STOP!" Uh-huh, more pain. Zhilbar's enjoying this a disturbin amount, by the way...

"You said a name. Who is it?"

"It's the big boss of these parts! Keep going this way, and you'll reach her cave- but unless you've got a death wish, stay the hell out! If you do, have fun dying horribly." Even in the throes of agony, the roach is still a dick.


mistressnaoko July 18 2007, 06:53:44 UTC
Naoko was more disturbed by the way he spoke about the so-called big boss than the roach itself. Bosses behind ones like these were one of two kinds: the quiet, immensely powerful kind, or the one that blew their own trumpets. The latter was easy to handle, the first not so. She decided to ask the roach less threatening questions.

"What's happened out there? How long has it been since dragons danced the skies?"


zhilbar July 19 2007, 08:27:16 UTC
"...What? Oh, man, you really DON'T know any of this, do you!? Haha, you expect there to be DRAGONS on the Blood Isles!? This is DEMON land, baby! I've been here for three hundred years and met folks that've been around off and on for MILLENNIA, and not a one of them's ever remembered a time when demons weren't in charge! The closest you're gonna get to dragons is Darastrivaeralar.. You're really gonna see her, ain't you? Oh, come on, bring me along! I want a piece of this lunkhead when she fries hi-GURK!"

And Zhil's paw had closed, with predictably fatal results. "That was enough." He's totally not looking away to avoid Naoko's eyes, no. There's just.. something REALLY interesting about that sandstone outcropping! Yeah, that's it!


mistressnaoko July 19 2007, 08:39:46 UTC
Naoko gently touches the arm that held the now-dead roach. She said nothing, merely trying to reassure by her presence.


zhilbar July 22 2007, 19:24:26 UTC
He hadn't stopped squeezing when the roach expired. Nor when it was crushed to a disgusting paste, for that matter. Zhil did NOT like that thing, and was sincerely pissed off at what it said!

It took Naoko's touch HUMAN COOTIES HOOMAN COOTIES oh wait I'm not supposed to know about that yet to bring him back.

"..At least now we know who to talk to.." He's trying for an upbeat voice.

And failing miserably.


mistressnaoko August 2 2007, 06:30:21 UTC
She smiled softly, seeming not to take notice of the hidden despair in his voice.

"Yes we do. Would you like to clean your claw first before we move on, dear one?" her voice was gentle but eager; she fought hard to keep a devilish grin off her face. This seemed... fun. Not his despair, but the thought of facing a large foe.


zhilbar August 4 2007, 06:09:09 UTC
Ohh, he's not despairing. Not yet, at least. But that's beginning to sound more and more tempting...

"...Yes. Yes, I would." He tries to hide the squishy bits from her with his body, even as he reaches up to one of the stunted tree-branches and wipe off as much of the gook as possible; no sense showing off something gross! (Well, not to grown-ups.)

Okay, that's about as good as it's going to get- "Seems we've a long way to go. Shall we continue?" He didn't pick up on the forced-down grin, but she certainly seemed more energetic.. and why were her eyes sparkling like that?


mistressnaoko August 4 2007, 14:26:13 UTC
Naoko's not perturbed by the squishy bits; she's seen far worse being one of Celeste's daughters, but she was more worried about the confrontation up ahead. She was looking forward to a good fight after being inactive for so long, but Zhilbar's depression was far more worrying.

"Dear?" She looked up at him.


zhilbar August 6 2007, 05:31:08 UTC
That's not to say that she LIKES them, though.

"Hmm?" He turns his head toward her, still a little preoccupied with trying to psych himself up enough to continue. "What is it, Miss Naoko?"


mistressnaoko August 6 2007, 07:33:57 UTC
She looked at him carefully before shaking her head.

"It's nothing. Let's keep moving," she turned and began walking ahead.

With an almost unnoticeble flick of her hand, two throwing daggers dropped into her hands. She held them with the blades facing upwards, against her hands, so Zhilbar who was behind her could see them clearly, but not if you were looking at her from the front. The blades shone dimly in the light, almost pulsing. Now THESE were magical daggers.


zhilbar August 7 2007, 18:19:53 UTC
((Aww, now you've got ME curious! *Pouts*))

"As you wish.." Now if only he knew the venerable usage of that term! Oh, well. He flicked his wings in the equivalent of a shrug, stifled a gasp for the stabbing ache that reminded him exactly WHY he shouldn't do that.. and followed along, figuring she expected the next attack from the rear.

Which, of course, gave him plenty of opportunity to notice the shiny new accessories! This helped ease his mind considerably, as a matter of fact; magic made EVERYTHING better. It's a Fact!

"Miss Naoko.. Just what do those do?" Do they have nifty enchantments? Can they extend twenty feet in an instant, or maybe shoot lightning? Ohhh, now THAT would be cool!


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