Time to learn him something...

Apr 26, 2007 20:39

Warily entering the Nexus just long enough for Naoko to lead him over to the dimensional locator, he dropped in a scale and got the coordinates. The girl wanted to be the one to input them, but he'd do it himself.. Can't let the vassals do everything, right ( Read more... )

naoko-chan, zhilbar, de-aging

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mistressnaoko April 27 2007, 04:11:58 UTC
Naoko stood back from her lover, having caught the murderous rumble in his throat and surveyed the damage. The damage done was old, though it looked like there had been a battle a long time ago. It was abandoned, and there was a sense of desolation and loneliness like none other. Her senses were attuned to pick up any residue of a dead soul, but there were none here.

It had been far too long since anyone stepped here.


((*Stamps!* ^^)) mistressnaoko June 14 2007, 08:26:54 UTC
She jumped off as the wing suddenly furled. Her heart was in her throat as she grabbed the ledge and pull herself up with one hand. No time to think, had to help Zhilbar! As she began looking for him, something whizzed by her so fast she barely had time to blink.

She didn't think, just reacted. Her hand reached for one of her throwing daggers and she threw it at the thing following Zhilbar... who seemed to be spinning out of control.


((*How did I know that was going to happen..* -_-)) zhilbar June 20 2007, 01:34:34 UTC
Zhil's tumble managed to get him out of harm's way once more; nothing works quite as well for evasive maneuvers as something you're not expecting yourself! Naoko's dagger flew straight and true at the demon- and then bounced off, drawing its attention. Mundane weapons just don't have the kick they need against an Outer Plane being!

Snarling, it goes into a dive.. Just in time to be caught by a gliding Zhilbar, and SLAMMED into the cliff face! Its head disappeared in an inferno of dragonfire as the hatchling drew on what he HAD learned in the egg, even as his lower claws raked down and disemboweled the creature.. Right before it literally got its head bitten off and spat away.

You do NOT mess with someone under a dragon's care, baby or no!

Discarding the twitching corpse, Zhilbar dug his claws into the cliff face and clumsily climbed over to Naoko's ledge, only now starting to feel the ache in his wing-joint and the slash along his flank he hadn't even realized was there. "I'm sorry, Miss Naoko.. I have no idea what that thing ( ... )


Re: ((*How did I know that was going to happen..* -_-)) mistressnaoko June 20 2007, 07:11:57 UTC
She nodded, sporting only a few dusty spots on her robe. Naoko was mostly unharmed, though there were one or two negligible scratches on her hands where she'd grabbed the ledge and pull herself up. She was more concerned over the wounds on Zhilbar though, her eyes full of concern and love. The way he had treated the corpse did not bother her in the slightest.

"I'm fine, dear one. Your wounds look grievous."


zhilbar June 26 2007, 08:00:58 UTC
Okay, she's good, breathe out.

You know, that gash and his wing were really starting to hurt-brush it off, you don't have time to bleed! "It's nothing. Shall we-AH!"

The last part came from him trying to flare his wings to continue, only to realize 'Oh hey, this wing REALLY got wrenched by that demon! Walking is your FRIEND, Zhilbar.' As a result, it's currently being held close to his side in an effort not to stretch it again.

Some experiences don't need repeating.


mistressnaoko July 6 2007, 08:55:59 UTC
Naoko saw the gash just a moment before Zhilbar cried out. Alarmed, she pulled the sash from her waist and held it tightly in her hand, carefully looking the wound over. With gentle hands, she picked out any small stones and cleaned the wound as best as she could with the sash. Once she did that, she looked up at Zhilbar.

"Dear one, this is going to sting."

Then uncorking the small water bottle she'd carried, she poured it over the wound, without warning him on purpose. While it wasn't deep, but it hurt. There was not a lot of blood, but the tendons were in a dangerous spot.


zhilbar July 6 2007, 09:04:11 UTC
It's the wing that really causes the pain. He's not going to be using that for awhile.. but what's the tinyperson doing?

She's cleaning it? OWOWOWOWOWgood to get those stoOW!OW!OWnes out of there, at least.

"Oh? What wi-nrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!" You know what that sound is? That's the sound of cold water meeting hot dragon, and yes, it certainly DID sting. On the plus side, the suddenly-boiling water must've gotten out whatever germs were left while turning to that cloud of steam, right? That's what boiled water does!

Good thing you had that scarf touching in him and not your fingers, Naoko.


mistressnaoko July 6 2007, 09:18:52 UTC
Naoko jumped back as the water hit the blood. She'd completely forgot about dragons being literally hot blooded creatures, but at least it should kill whatever germs was around.

She waited till his wound had stopped steaming and looked up at him. "I'd forgotten about the cold water... Forgive me, dearest one," she did sound sorry, but her senses were a bit more alert. Something was hiding far below where they were, and they had stirred... although not enough to know that she and Zhilar were high above them.


zhilbar July 8 2007, 08:19:24 UTC
"Well, you did say it would sting.. I'm sure no-one would accuse you of being a liar." He smiled a little, even though the strain of doing so showed plainly.

"Shall we continue?" It looks like a narrow, twisty road comes down from the ledge.. but while it may be slower, it's still a lot better than flying with a messed-up wing!


mistressnaoko July 8 2007, 11:06:27 UTC
Naoko shook her head. "Just give it five minutes, and then we'll continue, alright?" she smiled.

She looked at the narrow road; it was more than wide enough for a human, but it was very narrow for a dragon; the width suggested that perhaps it had been carved out for humans, as three could walk it abreast and not fall off it, but she wondered if there were humans in this place.

After five minutes, they began the descent down, with her leading the way.


zhilbar July 12 2007, 07:56:58 UTC
Five minutes later, he just ached more, as the feeling had time to settle into the joint and make every movement of that wing agony. Luckily, he didn't have to move it very much; the trail provided little enough space for stretching, but serpentine movements were second nature to a dragon. Hatchlings often used such paths before they learned to fly..

Still, he was glad that they were over a cliff instead of somewhere that was steep on BOTH sides, as they gradually wend closer to that ominous presence...


mistressnaoko July 12 2007, 08:18:55 UTC
She went ahead with cautious steps, often going slow so as not to strain his wings. Though he hid it, his involuntary winces told her that waiting may not have been the best idea; it might have been better for them to keep moving. Even so, she couldn't overcome the dread feeling boiling up; there was something down there.

"Are ye alright?" she asked him as they descended, hoping to break the silence.


zhilbar July 16 2007, 05:55:57 UTC
"..Just ..fine!" He's so totally lying. Of course, he hasn't taken his oath as a Truthspeaker yet, so had best get it out of his system while he still can!

"How about yourself?" Oddly enough, at this point she's unquestionably better at sensing things than he is. The babe has no idea anything's up ahead! OW. Wing. Don't show nothin'!


mistressnaoko July 16 2007, 06:27:07 UTC
"I'll be fine, dear one," she smiled. Truth to be told, she was getting more and more alert as they walked down. If Tiny!Zhilbar could sense it, Naoko was letting her usual tight control over her powers slip little by little.

A whip appeared by her waist, materialising over a few minutes. The armbands she wore got more shiny and gleamed. Her eyes had flecks of gold, yet one would not be able to notice it unless they were looking for it.

Sukina would have known immediately that her sister was preparing for battle, and not even berserkers would stand against her.


zhilbar July 17 2007, 04:27:22 UTC
Sadly, (Relatively)Tiny!Zhilbar has roughly the extrasensory perception of an average brick. The changes go unnoticed, at least until he looks at her again.. But he's beginning to smell somethng that's making him uneasy..

"Are you catching that?" Yay, ambiguity!


mistressnaoko July 17 2007, 04:41:49 UTC
Naoko barely nodded, her hands tense. They were approaching a corner, and whatever was behind it was resting, but it *was* there. Every instinct of hers screamed caution and care, but none were urging her to run away. Instead, she was more concerned for the hatchling behind her.

"Yes... something this way stinks," she grinned.


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