Former terrorist Walid Shoebat, reveals disturbing contradictions between Ground Zero mosque founder Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf’s English statements and his Arabic comments. Abdul Rauf directly contradicted his New York Daily News article from earlier this week, and, in the process, lied to New York City about his true intentions. Watch video here
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Comments 10
The only good I can see coming from this is if people infiltrate it to see what is being taught there. Although with the way things are going, they could be giving a detailed plan of their next attack and the authorities would do... nothing.
I am convinced of this.
Too bad the clowns pushing for this mosque won't bother reading it, even if someone handed it to them and begged them to do so.
Maybe if there was some way to designate Islam as not a religion but a political ideology? Or to come at the issue along the lines of national security? I don't know if that would be helpful. I wish I was knowledgeable about the law in this regard, but I'm not.
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