I've been through worse than the 'quake that happened this last week. This time at least I wasn't trying to get out of a cave while the lava did it's best to cook me
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Haven't been able to sleep, been watching the clock since midnight... The one on the table says it's 6:38am... I really hate clocks.. I miss my giant fuzzy bed warmer bringing me tea and cuddling until we have to get up... I wonder if Cheesecake is part of a good breakfast...
I was shopping a few days ago and found something curious in the sporting goods store. These long thin sticks that someone apparently puts on their feet so they can move across the snow. I came this close to getting a set but I have no idea exactly how they work. Anyone have experience with these "Skis"?
Thank you so much for letting me have a Haro. *happy fan-girl sqwee of joy* I've decided to call her Gwen since the name I wanted got me 'the look' from Jon. Good news is Arthur likes her.
Following up after a prank this weekend, I've decided to get a little more involved. So.... Noin and I are going to be after certain pilot with fruit flavored ammo in water guns, balloons, buckets.. what ever we can get our hands on. Just FYI all.
Jon and I were walking yesterday and came upon a rather cute sight up near the lagoon. One of the couples (names removed to protect the innocent) out having a picnic. It's good to see they made up.